Pistolvania's Blog - Apr to Jun 24 (7 followers)

Backlog Completion #54: Metal Slug 3; BreakPermalink
Metal Slug 3 is as chaotic and hectic as I remember it being in the arcades when I was a kid and still tough as hell, even on the easiest difficulty but sometimes all you need is a game where you can just shut off your brain and just run and gun and that's where Metal Slug 3 delivers. There's no way in hell I'm going to be trying to get all the achievements in this game as it will drive me insane and I feel like it'll make me lose my love for this game if I try.

Achievements unlocked: 2/12
My rating: 3.5/5

And with that, I think it's time I take a break from doing this challenge as I've found myself pushing myself through games just to try to beat them as fast as I can instead of enjoying them (looking at you, AereA). I also feel like I just want to play games that I've been wanting to play (on both my XBSS and PS5) but have been putting off due to this challenge as I don't want people thinking I've given up on this. With that said, I don't know how long I plan on taking a break for and hopefully I'll feel refreshed when I dive back into this.
Posted by Pistolvania on 07 April 24 at 14:04 | There are no comments on this blog - Please log in to comment on this blog.
Backlog Completion #53: Blaster Master Zero; Game #54Permalink
This was certainly a nostalgic trip. Blaster Master was one of my favorite games as a kid even though it was pretty difficult back then due to how NES games used to be, especially with respawning enemies. I was pretty happy to see some quality of life improvements in this though with the ability to save as well as a map system as I know damn well I would have gotten lost, especially in the final two areas of the game. The dialogue is certainly very terrible in this but for a game like this, I wasn't expecting it to be a masterpiece. And the huge ramp in difficulty in the final two areas was a bit absurd but overall, pretty fun, short game that should only take a few hours to beat, and a bit more if you're going for 100%. Hearing Area 1's music definitely brought back a lot of memories of this game.

Achievements unlocked: 10/15
My rating: 4/5

Another nostalgic and fun game conquered. The backlog wheel has spoken, game #54 will be Metal Slug 3. Looks like another short game is on deck here, but I really enjoyed the Metal Slug games back in the arcade days, so this should be another fun trip down memory lane.
Posted by Pistolvania on 07 April 24 at 01:24 | There are no comments on this blog - Please log in to comment on this blog.
Backlog Completion #52: Grapple Dog; Game #53Permalink
After playing the worst game we've done so far in AereA, this was definitely a nice bounce back game to play. This definitely gave me a lot of SNES/Genesis vibes with just the straight up platforming gameplay and the challenge to it as well as a pretty decent soundtrack. My major gripes with the game is that it likes to get a little bit too trolly every once in awhile and the random stuttering/freezing really threw me off as it made me fail what I was doing multiple times. Overall though, this was a good throwback to the days of just a straightforward game that's simple to play, but tough to master. Definitely recommend when it's on sale.

Achievements unlocked: 22/22
My rating: 4/5

This was a good bounce back game which reignites my hope that we have a lot more hidden gems like this just waiting for us to play. The backlog wheel has spoken, game #53 will be Blaster Master Zero. Blaster Master was one of my favorite games a as a child during the NES days, so this reimagining of it has a pretty high bar to surpass. Hopefully it'll be worth it.
Posted by Pistolvania on 06 April 24 at 00:54 | There are no comments on this blog - Please log in to comment on this blog.
Backlog Completion #51: AereA; Game #52Permalink
Oh man, what to say about this game. Well, first off, it's hot garbage and I wouldn't even recommend this if it were free. I knew I was in for something when I was immediately noticing typos during conversations, but that wasn't even remotely close to what else the game had in store. Extremely uneven difficulty (pretty easy throughout, until the final boss, who can one shot you), being soft locked (game will push you out of bounds sometimes if an enemy hits you, or an enemy will run out of bounds and you can't kill it), dungeons that had no reason to be as complex as they were, and the worst of them all, it was just straight up boring. I'm glad to get this one done and out of the way. Good lord.

Achievements unlocked: 22/28
My rating: 0.5/5

Well, we found a game that made Bolt look like a decent game. Hands down this was easily the worst game that I've played through this challenge so far. I got this for $2 probably a couple of years ago and even then that's too expensive for a game of this quality. Hopefully we get something that washes the taste of ass out of my mouth. The backlog wheel has spoken, game #51 will be Grapple Dog. This one caught my eye during a sale awhile ago and seems like a fun platformer, so I'm looking forward to seeing if snagging this was a smart move or not.
Posted by Pistolvania on 01 April 24 at 17:49 | There are no comments on this blog - Please log in to comment on this blog.
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