Lucky32468's Summary stats for all time

Completion Percentage - 48.81%

TA Ratio - 1.5824

Lucky32468 has won 17,228 Achievements out of a possible 35,294 (48.81% Completion - 18,066 remaining)

Lucky32468 has a Gamerscore of 524,872 out of a possible 951,400 (55.17% Completion - 426,528 remaining)

Lucky32468 has a TrueAchievement score of 830,582 out of a possible 2,188,643 (37.95% Completion - 1,358,061 remaining)

If all achievements were worth 10 Gamerscore, the Standardized Score would be 291,859 points.

These stats exclude DLC packs without any achievements won.

Lucky32468 has spent 312 days, 14 hours and 4 minutes playing across all platforms.

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