Sunset Overdrive Trailer Details Enhanced Enemies

By Dave Horobin,
Last week, we showed you the new weapons that will be available in the upcoming "Dawn of the Rise of the Fallen Machines" DLC for Sunset Overdrive. This time around, Sunset TV details the enhanced Fizzco enemies that you can expect to encounter in the game.

The Rifle Bot has been upgraded to now carry a sniper rifle that they can use to lock onto you. The Blade Bot will now explode when close to death, meaning that movement will be even more important than it was before. Lastly the Tank Bot, as well as being tough to take down anyway, will now upgrade other enemies around it to their 2.0 forms.

"Dawn of the Rise of the Fallen Machines" (or "DotRotFM" for short) will be available to download on April 1st and will be available for free as part of the season pass. Standalone pricing has yet to be announced.

We've got the full list of Sunset Overdrive achievements - check the list for guides to unlocking them.
Dave Horobin
Written by Dave Horobin
Dave is the TrueAchievements Social Manager and has been a Newshound since 2010. When he's not chasing developers and publishers for early review copies, he can usually be found on the TrueAchievements social pages discussing all things TA related.
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