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Co-Op achievement in Smash TV


Successfully finish level 1 with another player using default settings


How to unlock the Co-Op achievement

  • MtldMtld
    02 May 2009 10 Jun 2010
    After entering each different room hit Y+A 3 times to become invincible. The cheat disables if you stop firing, so just shoot until the room is clear. You must re-enter the cheat in each room.To know if you entered the code right, try to pick-up cash or weapons. If you can't pick them up, you are invincible.

    You can use this to complete the first level with a friend over Xbox Live.
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    AirRaidPatrolMaybe worth mentioning that this can only be done on Xbox Live, not with two controllers on the same console.
    Posted by AirRaidPatrol on 18 Jul 10 at 13:27
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