This achievement is attained by scoring 1,000,000 points on a song. This will necessitate playing as band; either band quickplay or playing as part of a band career should suffice.
Obviously, longer songs (like "Party for Two") and songs with greater note densities (like "Ride") are better candidates for trying to knock this achievement out. The more players you can rope into your band, the more notes will be available, and the greater your potential score; so long as they're not failing out, talking a sibling into singing along on Easy or a roommate into playing along on Medium bass can really help matters and put you over the top. As always, hitting unison bonuses (to gain extra overdrive!) and having band members deploy overdrive at the same time (to increase the band scoring multiplier) are often instrumental in getting this sort of thing done.
My band got this achievement playing "Intentional Heartache" by Dwight Yoakam. If you have a vocalist available, this song is an excellent choice, as the last half of the song is all "talkies", which are easy to score well on and keep combo with even on Expert. So long as your vocalist can sing / hum / mumble through the first part of the song without failing, they can get a ton of points through all those consecutive talkies, where they'll be able to keep their multiplier maxed out the whole way through. (If many folks have overdrive active during this section, it's worth even more points!) If you have a full band, you don't even need to play on Expert: for the heck of it, we tried a Hard Guitar / Hard Bass / Medium Drums / Hard Vocals run and still netted 1.07MM points, even with many folks missing notes here and there.
As with all Rock Band scoring achievements, the following generic advice applies:
- Play at the highest difficulty you can where you can maintain a combo for prolonged periods. Higher difficulties have more notes, and more notes means more potential points... but keeping your streak multiplier is key, and being able to hit 99% of the notes on Hard is often preferable to hitting 95% of the notes on Expert.
- Try to have band members deploy overdrive at the same time. Multiple instruments with overdrive going at the same time increases the scoring multiplier for the whole band, which can really skyrocket your score in a hurry.