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Tree Hugger achievement in Tiki Towers (WP)

Tree Hugger

Complete all of the Eco Missions on an island.

Tree Hugger0

How to unlock the Tree Hugger achievement

  • SwamiMacGyverSwamiMacGyver
    21 Feb 2011 22 Feb 2011 02 Jun 2012
    16 1 9
    Eco challenges are the same levels that you already played through, but you have a lower used-bamboo requirement. To finish the levels using less bamboo takes a little more thought, but isn't too hard. Here's how I did it.

    I've taken pictures of all of my winning level configurations, but that may not directly equate to beating the levels for you. I found that the way things fall, the monkey's effect on the sticks, and the final outcome of the level are non-deterministic. I would occasionally beat a level without changing anything - just restarting the action seemed to make it work. So, take the pictures as a starting point,a nd adjust them as needed to get to the winning combo.

    For the pictures, they were taken after I beat the Eco challenge for each level, so they will show you how I got this achievement. Also, some levels needed two pictures, so you will see some a/b pictures. a is generally the top of the level, and b is the bottom.

    Also in that link is a complete list of islands, levels, and eco targets for left over bamboo.

    Here is the list of levels for the first island with their target eco challenge savings numbers in parenthesis:
    The Blue Lagoon
    1-1 - How to Build a Tower (6)
    1-2 - Bridge Building Basics (4)
    1-3 - Advanced Bridge Building (8)
    2-1 - Mixing It Up (8)
    2-2 - Up and Down (9)
    2-3 - Leap of Faith (4)
    3-1 - Hanging Out (12)
    3-2 - Do You Swing (10)
    3-3 - Balance of Tower (2)
    Showing all 9 comments. Leave a comment.
    SneakyStabbalotAwesome stuff on 4shared - thumbs up
    Posted by SneakyStabbalot on 12 Aug 11 at 22:37
    Mad HecticLooks like a lot of info but nothing telling me what this achievement is. Just how to get it.

    So is it minimal bamboo used?
    Posted by Mad Hectic on 27 May 12 at 22:07
    SwamiMacGyverOops. Sorry. Yes. The Eco Challenges are the same levels with a lower used-bamboo requirement. I'll add that to the solution.
    Posted by SwamiMacGyver on 02 Jun 12 at 22:35
    FFugueDo we need to finish the standard game before starting these? Because I've tried doing the first level with only two bamboo ant it doesn't tell me anything special... Is there supposed to be any indications that I just did a eco saving?
    Posted by FFugue on 02 Sep 12 at 13:26
    SwamiMacGyverSorry... It's been a while since I played, so someone might need to verify this, but I believe you can do this as you progress through the levels. If I'm wrong, let me know :-)
    Posted by SwamiMacGyver on 09 Oct 12 at 18:25
    StillingsThe Eco Challenges do not unlock until you finish all the islands. However, any levels you completed on your first playthrough that meet the Eco bamboo limits will automatically be credited with having been passed so you don't have to play them again.
    Posted by Stillings on 15 Oct 12 at 12:52
    Shadow of Skitzi just unlocked "tree hugger" before i finished all the levels in the game following your guide from the start , so this will save me many an hour! +1
    Posted by Shadow of Skitz on 25 Oct 12 at 10:56
    BaronVonBrannanJust a quick query. I take it you still have to 'Perfect' the levels but with minimal bamboo? Or can you just get all 5 monkeys home free without caring bout the bananas?

    Posted by BaronVonBrannan on 24 Apr 13 at 09:18
    Senior ChuponYour link doesn't work any more.
    Posted by Senior Chupon on 15 Mar 16 at 16:11
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