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Brink of Extinction achievement in Tiki Towers (WP)

Brink of Extinction

Lose 100 monkeys.

Brink of Extinction0

How to unlock the Brink of Extinction achievement

  • JemmFIJemmFI
    14 Aug 2011 14 Aug 2011
    14 3 0
    One simple way to get this achievement is to get this after following one of the solutions for the Animal Mishandler -achievement. (Lose all monkeys in one go)

    Anyway, once you find a way for killing all the monkeys in one go, just tap Try Again and Action. Repeat until there are all the 100 kills.

    I tried thecatwhowalks's solution (which worked very well, btw!) and then repeated it for less than 20 times until the achievement popped.
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