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Ultimate Super Champion achievement in Tiki Towers (WP)

Ultimate Super Champion

Achieve complete mastery over the game.

Ultimate Super Champion0

How to unlock the Ultimate Super Champion achievement

  • SwamiMacGyverSwamiMacGyver
    23 Feb 2011 23 Feb 2011 21 Mar 2012
    UPDATE: This achievement may be glitched. A few others have complained that it hasn't unlocked after beating all of the requirements below.

    To get this achievement, you need to:
    1. Beat all levels in the game
    2. Get Gold Masks for all levels of the game
    3. Beat all Eco Missions in the game
    4. Beat the Flying Dutchman levels
    5. Get Gold helmets for all Flying Dutchman levels
    6. Beat the Cousteau Missions for all levels in the Flying Dutchman.

    Since 1, 2, and 3 are covered by other achievements, I'll focus on the Cousteau Missions here.

    I've taken pictures of all of my winning level configurations, but that may not directly equate to beating the levels for you. I found that the way things fall, the monkey's effect on the sticks, and the final outcome of the level are non-deterministic. I would occasionally beat a level without changing anything - just restarting the action seemed to make it work. So, take the pictures as a starting point, and adjust them as needed to get to the winning combo.

    Some levels needed two pictures, so you will see some a/b pictures. a is generally the top of the level, and b is the bottom.

    Here are the targets for each of the levels in The Diving Dutchman:

    The Diving Dutchman
    1-1 - Dive! Dive! Dive! (10)
    1-2 - Silent Service (6)
    1-3 - Animal Magnetism (2)
    2-1 - Electric Boogie (4)
    2-2 - The Grate Escape (8)
    2-3 - U-Tube (10)
    3-1 - Levitation Station (4)
    3-2 - Fantastic Voyage (8)
    3-3 - The Final Final Challenge (6)
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    SwamiMacGyverI checked with, and they also said the problem is gone. Everything should be OK with the site now.
    Posted by SwamiMacGyver on 19 Jan 13 at 21:12
    I am MindslaveThank you so much for the guide, Swami. I also recently used your ilomilo guides and those were also spot on
    Posted by I am Mindslave on 18 Apr 13 at 18:05
    mik29Excellent thanks.
    Posted by mik29 on 22 Apr 13 at 15:12
    Crimson DrifterI think the trick to not having this glitch is to also have all other achievements done as well. Finished all islands with gold first, went back and cleaned up any eco missions on the islands, but left the Dutchman alone, then mopped up the 5000 bamboo and death achievements. Went back and cleaned up the Casteau missions and it popped after the final one.
    Posted by Crimson Drifter on 27 Apr 13 at 01:45
    Failure OnlineYour pics are great Swami, but I needed to use this one I found for Levitation Station. Just putting it here in case anybody else needs it.
    Posted by Failure Online on 07 Jul 13 at 23:29
    Failure OnlineI followed Crimson's idea but also purposely used too many sticks on one level so I didn't get all golds and all Cousteau at the same time just in case. Achievement popped just fine
    Posted by Failure Online on 08 Jul 13 at 00:45
    IzaacBStuck on the last Dutchman stick challenge. Everything else is done. Tried to replicate what's on the image but it breaks all the time with at least one monkey stuck at start, or dead.
    Tried for like an hour now, and maybe totally 2 hours yesterday. Any tips?
    Posted by IzaacB on 10 Jun 14 at 23:44
    Mr RodsterIncredibly helpful pictures, thank you.
    Posted by Mr Rodster on 20 Jun 14 at 18:42
    SalsbarHalf of the pictures for the last levels are missing...please fix.
    Posted by Salsbar on 11 Dec 16 at 23:44
    Thrash ForeverGreat guide but some pics are missing.
    Posted by Thrash Forever on 16 Aug 17 at 13:24
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