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Nice Outfit achievement in Kinect Fun Labs: Kinect Me

Nice Outfit

Scan your body

Nice Outfit0

How to unlock the Nice Outfit achievement

  • GammyGreenGiantGammyGreenGiant
    06 Jun 2011 06 Jun 2011 06 Jun 2011
    24 1 0
    Download the fun labs hub from the dashboard or game add ons, its quite large at 700MB+. launch it through the kinect guide.

    When on the Labs Hub find and launch kinect me.

    After launching it'll scan your head, then it'll want to scan your body.

    on my TV because it's on a low stand and kinect is bellow the TV, on the outline for the full body scan the feet were at my waist. I tried to very carefully balance it on top of the TV trying different methods for while, when i thought i had cracked it, i moved back and forth slowly and slightly further each time it's fine every time..........but then the last step back to fit perfectly in the outline. the kinect tries a backflip off the back of the TV!

    I thought for sure is was a goner the sensor wasn't flush with the base anymore and was a wee bit wobbly, but with careful manhandling i got it centered and working again. I was Lucky.

    Moral of the story don't try to put kinect on top of the TV without a proper clamp/grip for it! Hope to prevent others from being tempted into the same stupid error of judgement, it's not worth 5G.

    I ended up putting it on the mantle piece, but it was awkward to see the TV at the same time. you can put it back in front of the TV after the full body scan and it will work just fine!

    Feel free to leave a comment mocking me for my stupidity!!
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  • AhayzoAhayzo
    07 Jun 2011 08 Jun 2011
    15 0 0
    After beginning the scan to create your character, and scanning your head for Magic Mirror, you will be told to scan your body. Fit your body into the green dotted outline provided, and you will gain this. Again, it will be right after the Magic Mirror for scanning your head.
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