27 0 0Actions When you have scanned your head and body you choose if you want glasses or a ponytail. There is then a choice of six different backgrounds simply select the first back ground wait for the 4 photos, then select reshoot and select the next background, repeat the process until you have done all six different backgrounds for the achievement.Guide not helping? View 2 more guides for this achievement.Leave a comment
14 0 0Actions After scanning your head, body, and choosing whether you want glasses and a ponytail, you will see 6 boxes (3 left, 3 right) with different designs in them. These are your background choices. Choose one, and complete a photo shoot with it. You do not need to go through voice recording or uploading. Just repeat this for all 6 backgrounds. These will all count towards Kinect Me Pro for completing 25 photo shoots.
14 0 0Actions While working towards The Kinect Me Pro achievement in Kinect Fun Labs: Kinect Me worth 28 pointsPose for 25 photo shootsselect each of the 6 backgrounds and shoot the four photos in front of each. Should take about 5 mins total. Repeat on any background after you have the all 6 done.