4 0 3Actions After the level Sky Skooner Docks You will then be told to talk to Persephone the fairy(she is to the left of the hot air balloon). Then just buy whatever skill you wish. You can't miss out on this achievement as its part of the "story".Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment. This is not a story related achievement. Although I see no reason why anyone wouldn't upgrade any Skylander, you are not required to do so to advance the game.Posted by planting42 on 16 Jul 12 at 10:36 I've played Skylanders Giants first so all my Skylanders are fully upgraded already but I'm only just starting Spyro's Adventure; will this mean that I need to reset a Skylander to get this achievement?Posted by UKGN Heti on 23 Jan 13 at 00:12 I Skipped out on Skylanders 2, but I guess it would make sense to reset if you have them all maxed out.Posted by Dralunt on 24 Jan 13 at 20:07 Leave a comment