47 1 10Actions this can be obtained by starting a level then restarting the level 5 times and then completing the level. the first few levels are easiest to complete this on.Showing most recent comments. View all comments. thx :)Posted by KGK Lunchbox on 13 Jan 12 at 08:53 Awesome, thanks!Posted by porschephiliac on 09 Mar 12 at 02:05 Not working as you saidPosted by Emira on 11 Mar 12 at 01:15 @TAREKEGYPT, I think you're missing the part where SHIN GRIMM mentioned that you need to --> Restart <-- the level 5 times and then complete it in order for the achievement to *POP*. :) Then it works like a charm! ThX.Posted by DEMON LEMON on 19 May 12 at 10:14 Worked like a charm, thanks.Posted by Senior Chupon on 06 May 13 at 17:24 What a vague achievement description. Thanks for the clarification SHIN :). Thumb up from me.Posted by deutschZuid on 24 Nov 13 at 20:12 great guide, which clown down voted it? only a idiot could not possibly understand that you restart the level 5 times then complete it.Posted by eHeadaches on 07 Dec 13 at 00:18 cheers. i have no idea why it was down voted but guess theres always one person. lolPosted by SHIN GRIMM on 07 Dec 13 at 01:46 Yep. Just as you said. Upvote from me.Posted by Mr Rodster on 08 May 14 at 22:00 Leave a comment