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Dueling Is My Life achievement in Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom

Dueling Is My Life

Raise Marguerite's favor to 50%!

Dueling Is My Life0

How to unlock the Dueling Is My Life achievement

  • olde fortran 77olde fortran 77
    06 Aug 2010 30 Aug 2010
    13 0 2
    It is impossible to get this achievement without reading . The method is tedious and time consuming, but it absolutely works. Be aware that some of the taunts are virtually identical (like the "ogre's loincloth") but have opposite defenses.
    Personally, I tried blocking but it takes forever because Bertrand loses so little when you block him, and you lose a lot if your attack fails. Eventually I changed my strategy and did nothing but parries. Sometimes it was pretty close. If you are almost out of health and don't think you can win the duel, turn off your Xbox. When you start the game again you will be at exactly the same percentage. You won't lose points or your progress.
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    Hannya JJSDefinitely right about doing nothing but parries, but you don't have to turn off your xbox. You can just hit the xbox button and choose to return to the dashboard. Also I would say that if you are on the verge of losing, don't give up. There have been plenty of times that I was one hit away from losing the fight and still ended up winning in the end. You'll know when you have lost even before Bertrand strikes based on how the camera pans, which will always be directly behind the loser, unless of course you lose from him parrying your attack which has its own animation also. Once you see these losing animations begin, then you should return to the dashboard.
    Posted by Hannya JJS on 02 Nov 11 at 12:17
    Goggs25link is no longer available
    Posted by Goggs25 on 01 Jun 24 at 18:24
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