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End of Frenzy achievement in Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom

End of Frenzy

Defeat the Balrog.

End of Frenzy0

How to unlock the End of Frenzy achievement

  • Removed Gamer
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    This guide is to help you defeat the Balrog at the end of the Cave section. He is a troublesome boss that caused me to get extremely frustrated. This is the process I used to defeat him:

    1) Equip both a strong melee weapon and a high-powered ranged weapon. The ranged weapon is going to be your saving grace when the endgame begins so make sure it's the most powerful you have/can buy.

    2) Make sure you have a strong ranged spell, like Chilling Touch, and the Heal spell. The attack spell will eventually become null and void but the Heal is so damn important. Many of the guides I've seen for this game tell you to level up your SP and Luck before your HP. I recommend that you do this until around Level 50, then throw everything onto HP. Up your HP until it hits 2000 and you'll be fine.

    3) Have a full allotment of potions of all sizes. These will come in handy during your descent to the boss' area as the lizardmen and wizards tend to have lots of freezing spells and they spam melee attacks with no chance of escape. It's a b***h but it should be fine as long as you heal.

    4) The battle is broken into three parts: the jump and crash, the arm throws, and the bull rushes. For the first part, fire your ranged weapon as the Balrog stands in the middle of the lava pit (which you should avoid at all costs. Find one of the rocky areas to attack from as the stone sections get covered in lava) until he leaps up and climbs the walls. Once he lands, melee him as much as possible.

    5) Repear Step 4 until the Balrog is hurt enough that he starts firing a chained fist at you. Attack the fist and destroy it. At this point, he's going to start charging you. His attacks are brutal and they can be in quick succession, so prepare yourself with your health potions and run away as much as possible. Once you get a fair distance away, turn and fire using your ranged weapon. He may stagger, allowing you to attack with your melee weapon, but you should save those parts for a well-timed Heal spell. Keep doing this until he dies.

    There! Hopefully that will help you defeat this frustrating boss. If you have any questions, shoot my an XBL message.
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    Hannya JJSOverall a pretty good guide but there are some things that I think are worth mentioning.

    The fight with the Balrog is actually not so difficult, provided you know what to do. I was able to finish the fight without using even a single potion using Leinhart. For the first phase, as already stated in this guide, always stay on the outside rocks where there is no lava. Once the boss climbs onto the ceiling, ready to pounce on you simply move out of the way. Once he lands, just pummel him with your melee weapon. There is just one tricky part in the first phase. During this phase the boss will charge you. The only way I was able to avoid his charge attack was by using the dash ability to quickly move out of the way.

    The second phase of the fight which is by far the easiest, consists of the boss shooting his fist. For this part of the fight, if you are standing in the right spot, you do not even have to move! I was standing along one of the outside rocks where the lava never reaches. This place has an bit of an incline so when the boss kept shooting his fist, he was just hitting the base of the rock, while I just stood there, whittling away at his fist with my ranged weapon.

    The third phase is another easy one. After the boss loses his chain fist, he will attempt to walk close to you. Once he gets close enough to you, he will use his charge attack which can do a lot of damage. As mentioned in the guide, ONLY use your ranged weapon for this phase. As he attempts to pursue you, all you have to do is hit him in the face with your ranged weapon. Hitting him in the face will stun and blind him for a short period of time. You'll know when you have done this correctly as he will start to reel in pain, stumbling all around. While he's flailing about, simply move farther away from him, maintain a safe distance and keep shooting at him. Once he recovers, aim again for the face. Just rinse and repeat and the boss will be dead in no time.
    Posted by Hannya JJS on 28 Oct 11 at 18:53
    Dazeldorffv2One thing you most certainly don't want to do is end phase one when the lava takes up most of the arena as this will make it impossible to defeat the Balrog when you get to phase three, there's nothing like being charged through lava until you die, that's for sure.
    Posted by Dazeldorffv2 on 07 Apr 12 at 21:21
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