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Desert Paradise Completed achievement in iStunt 2 (WP)

Desert Paradise Completed

Complete "Desert Paradise" Pack.

Desert Paradise Completed0

How to unlock the Desert Paradise Completed achievement

  • DeceptiCog72283DeceptiCog72283
    16 Jul 2013 17 Jul 2013
    10 0 7
    The last set of tracks you unlock are entitled "Desert Paradise". Very similar to all the other ones, except your riding on sand. The achievement requires you to finish all the leves in this set of tracks (obviously stated in the achievement description)

    I'm mostly here to talk about a certain level called Turn Around...level 19. This is the most frustrating level in the entire game and will make you want to destroy your phone. Hopefully you don't.

    Right at the beginning it puts you in a tight landing with some spikes that just about always catch you, yet you have to jump and flip upside down to catch a rail.

    There are 2 tricks I want to share that will hopefully ease the pain.

    1) Just before you launch from the ramp, swipe downwards (crouch) done right, this will slow you down so you have enough room to land and jump.

    2) As frustrating as it gets...I recommend if you don't nail the landing on your first try. Reload the entire game. I found that for some reason he hits the ground far enough away from the spikes using tip 1 more often then when I try to just retry.

    After you successfully jump the spikes remember to quickly flip your guy upside down to grind the rail. Stay upside down, jump to the next rail, and again to the next. You will go up and around and into your first check point. From here on out, the level is easy.

    It only took me about 300 tries to get this damn level :) (yes...three hundred)
    Showing all 7 comments. Leave a comment.
    I am SNAKE EY3Sthat level was the exact reason I was checking the guide. Thanks for the tip, I kept trying to swipe up to jump. I couldn't figure out the first level and used a skip. do you know if the achievement will still pop or do I need to go back and figure it out?
    Posted by I am SNAKE EY3S on 10 Sep 13 at 17:56
    I am SNAKE EY3Sjust found it won't pop, you must complete every level for the achievement to pop
    Posted by I am SNAKE EY3S on 10 Sep 13 at 22:45
    DeceptiCog72283Indeed...I did the same thing LOL....what a pain it was. Congrats on unlocking :D
    Posted by DeceptiCog72283 on 11 Sep 13 at 02:43
    JamezWestThanks for the advice. It really helped. I thought I was doing something wrong.
    Posted by JamezWest on 01 Nov 13 at 02:15
    FrenchTeam91Merci pour le guide , je viens d'obtenir ce succès, juste avant de quitter la rampe, je me suis baissé et avant de sauter j'ai relâché puis j'ai immédiatement maintenu vers le bas, ce qui m'a permis de me réceptionner un peu plus tôt ensuite juste bien se retourner pour prendre le rail et normalement ça passe tout seul. Merci à toi clap
    Posted by FrenchTeam91 on 12 May 14 at 07:32
    DeceptiCog72283Aucun probleme mon ami. Je suis content d'entendre que vous avez été capable de completer se cauchemar lol ;)
    Posted by DeceptiCog72283 on 14 May 14 at 02:34
    LvxI just crouched down immediately once the level begins and kept crouching during the jump down. Left me with enough room to jump and get this in like 5 tries. It's not as hard as the guide describes at all.
    Posted by Lvx on 16 Jul 15 at 12:59
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