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Brotherhood achievement in Sid Meier's Pirates! (WP)


First Time Divide Plunder


How to unlock the Brotherhood achievement

  • Void TrancerVoid Trancer
    14 Apr 2012 12 Apr 2012
    Once you've got yourself a hefty amount of booty, sail into a port and the bottom left hand box will be divide the plunder. it splits the treasure up between you and your scruffy crew.
    Tips for serious players: After dividing the plunder you lose your entire fleet except your flagship. So sell off every ship except the one you want to keep. fire as many crew as possible and sell all of your goods BEFORE dividing the plunder, to boost your $$$. also, if you want to keep playing you must click continue, as "Retiring" is exactly what is means. no more pirating.
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    PolerandThe other ships in your fleet and any goods you have are sold and divided up amongst the crew, as well, though you can control the price of your cargo by selling at appropriately high prices.

    I don't see where you can fire crew -- I do know, however, that the fast sailing between cities reduces crew numbers, as does battle.
    Posted by Polerand on 16 Apr 12 at 02:57
    janiwesterlingI did not get the achievement when I chose retire, so I tried again and chose 'advance to journeyman captain' and got the achievement. You can always go back to your old save game so it really doesn't matter what you choose, just don't save the game.
    Posted by janiwesterling on 02 Nov 12 at 14:51
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