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Musician achievement in Sid Meier's Pirates! (WP)


Reach 150x Combo in Dancing


How to unlock the Musician achievement

  • PolerandPolerand
    19 Apr 2012 19 Apr 2012 22 Apr 2012
    Dancing has two factors that impact the difficulty -- the looks of the governor's daughter and the overall game difficulty. The easiest dances are thus available on Apprentice when dancing with a plain girl, but the easiest dances typically have fewer steps.

    I'm 95% certain this can't be achieved on Apprentice difficulty, but it can be achieved on at least Journeyman difficulty. I was able to earn this on Journeyman dancing with a beautiful girl.


    *Not all songs are created equal. You may be better with one dance than another -- as long as the dance has at least 150 steps, work towards your strengths.

    *At this level, you will start getting quick double-taps -- you may also have steps that quickly move around the screen. Practicing the same song multiple times will allow you to memorize the pattern which is crucial when your finger blocks some of the screen.

    *You must COUNT the available steps in a dance before you bother practicing it. There is nothing more frustrating than getting 100% of the steps perfect for a dance that ends at 148X. Even when I was playing on Journeyman and dancing with a beautiful girl, two of the dances had less than 150 steps. Some of the dances have quick steps that are difficult to count -- I used a scratch pad and made tick marks while missing every step.

    *There are at least 5 different dances. At this level, the dance that starts with 4 steps (circles) moving left-to-right across the bottom of the screen does not have enough steps to earn the achievement. The songs may start to sound similar, and some of the dances start in similar ways, so it helps to really hone in on something that makes your chosen dance stick out, either musically or in the order the circles appear.

    *You can quit to the main menu at the beginning, middle, or end of a dance -- just pull up the menu in the lower left hand corner, hit the arrow in the lower left hand corner, and select the key at the bottom right of the screen (this is the same place you'd save, load, etc.) When you quit to the main menu you can reload your autosave and go back into the city to start up another dance.

    Note: The game will initiate an autosave just before you enter a city every time.

    *You may experience dances ending prematurely. If you notice you skipped a cutscene when you were trying to initiate a dance step, the dance didn't play to the full length. I advise quitting the game and reloading. I noticed this started to happen when I had loaded several autosaves in a row while trying to get the right dance to pop up.

    *The achievement pops immediately -- you don't need to wait until the dance is finished.

    *You may want to turn on airplane mode. Text messages (SMS) and emails can lag the phone and will make it very difficult to get perfect steps.

    *I earned this without special items, so I know it can be accomplished without them -- I plan on doing some additional testing with items later. However, Uranium Deposit says that the computer version's special items for dancing merely reduces stumbles - this should not have any bearing on your ability to earn the achievement.

    *The video added is just the music for the song that I used to achieve Musician. It was not actually my first choice as I found another song to be easier, but this one was similar and I practiced it along with the other. There are some tricky spots, like the quick double-taps three times in a row, but for the most part the music and the steps go hand-in-hand (steps are in sync with the downbeats, mostly). There is a tricky part where the rhythm changes slightly, but with a little practice it becomes simple.
    Showing all 10 comments. Leave a comment.
    Uranium DepositIn the PC version the special dance items made it less likely for your character to stumble by missing a step. However I equipped the slippers and didn't notice a difference. Props for getting this achievement though - highest combo I've been able to get while playing through the game on apprentice was <30
    Posted by Uranium Deposit on 19 Apr 12 at 20:05
    PolerandThat makes a lot of sense, actually. I'll update it, thanks!
    Posted by Polerand on 19 Apr 12 at 20:53
    Chas HodgesBeen waiting for someone to snag this one before I bought the game. Pirates! Here I come!
    Posted by Chas Hodges on 19 Apr 12 at 22:28
    Zebrasqualcan u make us hear the music of the dance that u did it so we can focus on it ^^
    Posted by Zebrasqual on 22 Apr 12 at 12:59
    L1ttlemikeInsanely hard achievement really getting on my nerves
    Posted by L1ttlemike on 22 Apr 12 at 17:06
    PolerandActually, I found some YouTbe videos with music from the game. I'll pick out the two dance songs I recommend and add them to the solution, as they were both songs on which I could have or did get 150 steps.
    Posted by Polerand on 22 Apr 12 at 19:04
    Zebrasqualfinally got it thx =)
    Posted by Zebrasqual on 24 Apr 12 at 11:18
    ShiftedPhaseWhew, finally got it as well! The easiest song for me periodically had a quick double tap followed by a slower double tap (think it was also the one in the YouTube video linked above). Thanks for the guide - I think you're right about the song that starts with 4 steps from left-to-right not having enough steps.
    Posted by ShiftedPhase on 20 May 12 at 21:34
    VengefulRoninGot this one while playing on Rogue difficulty after having taken the Wit and Charm bonus to start with. Can't find a video of the song, but its not the slow one thats starts with 4 steps going left to right nor is it the fastest song on Rogue difficulty. It seemed to me that the special items helped a little bit with the dancing, maybe it's just a mental thing.
    Posted by VengefulRonin on 10 Jul 12 at 01:05
    DudumeisterI had a lot less trouble with this than I thought I was going to have, only took me a few hours. Funny thing is I went through the exact same process as Polerand; while waiting for an easier song to pop up (the one ShiftedPhase mentioned) the one in the video showed up and I ended up getting the achievement in that. The only frustrating part of this achievement for me was having to exit out to home screen after every attempt getting to the right song because the music would get out of sync with the taps after continuous reloading.
    Posted by Dudumeister on 07 Feb 13 at 02:50
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