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Toil and Trouble achievement in Skullgirls

Toil and Trouble

A sesquidecemvir of seven simulacra synergizing simultaneously.

Toil and Trouble0

How to unlock the Toil and Trouble achievement

  • JoshnormJoshnorm
    12 Apr 2012 12 Apr 2012 12 Apr 2012
    14 0 1
    For this achievement you have to use Double and hit roughly 20 combos using the entire cast.

    Choose Double for this one and jump in VS mode

    Go into the corner and do the following combo:
    HP; LK; MK; MK; HK; J.HP J.HK

    You will get roughly 9/10 hit combo with her and around the 20th one you will unlock the achievement

    Credit to PS3Trophy member: Tendablast for confirming the achievement/Trophy
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    Angels Kill TooAKA RB, A, B, B, RT, JUMP, RB (hold the saw for a sec to keep the combo going) RT

    hard part was the first punch sometimes the low kick doesn't connect You have to do the kick really fast then it's all about memorizing the rest of that shit. -_- I WAS GETTING 10-11 Hit combos
    Posted by Angels Kill Too on 29 Aug 16 at 06:24
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