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A Golden Wave achievement in Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode II

A Golden Wave

Defeat all bosses as Super Sonic.

A Golden Wave0

How to unlock the A Golden Wave achievement

  • Ruki185Ruki185
    16 May 2012 16 May 2012 16 May 2012
    This is the hardest achievement in the game, don't take this easy.
    You have to beat every boss as Super Sonic, that means at the last hit you have to be Super Sonic. It's a big mistake to turn into Super Sonic directly after collecting 50 rings.
    You also have to perform a Rolling Combo in 2 boss fights, That means you have to hold 50 rings up to the end of the boss fights in Oil Desert and (!) in the final boss fight.
    I don't have much tips for you to perform that, cause I needed about 2 hours for the final boss ... but I made a video guide for this, I hope that helps you.
    I'm not sure about Death Egg II Act 1, maybe you need this, too. So I also made a video for that.
    Enjoy that and good luck!
    (Sorry for bad english, I hope it's okay. :P)
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    count023Yea, stupidly easy. Super Sonic makes it almost too easy to win half the battles. The most difficult ones were the oil boss and the sylvania boss as you can't activate super sonic early on, you need to do a fair bit of damage first before SS can help you.
    Posted by count023 on 14 Oct 14 at 00:37
    Flopsy86This achievement is a lot easier than doing the Egg Station achievement in Episode 1, I have finished this game and have yet to get that achievement.
    Posted by Flopsy86 on 14 Oct 14 at 02:40
    SwearySeanThe last boss is extremely easy using the method detailed here:

    You should have 66 rings and a shield before you go to fight.
    Posted by SwearySean on 20 Oct 14 at 15:09
    REPOMAN NLThanks @HingedMonster! did it first try!! and also Ruki185 for the awesome guide!
    Posted by REPOMAN NL on 05 Jul 17 at 16:35
    GreatPotBanditoWhether through an update or a lie. sjpsjpsjp is incorrect. It is the second time Eggman raises his shield. I had to do that twice because I followed that comment.
    Posted by GreatPotBandito on 15 Nov 19 at 04:33
    MattiasAndersonDo you need to make a roll attack as super sonic as well when facing the boss on the oil rig level? He does in the video but now that made me not have enough rings to turn into super sonic again. lol I don´t think I need to do that but the video made me unsure.
    Posted by MattiasAnderson on 21 Aug 23 at 23:21
    vexer6You don't actually have to make it all the way to the end of the Oil Desert boss fight without going super. See if you go super you can cancel out of it by doing a tag action and if you hit that boss as Super Sonic it counts as two hits, so what you do is you wait for him to expose his weak point, quickly turn super to get in a hit, get to a safe place away and use the flying tag action to cancel out of super and make sure you pick up rings as you go up so you have enough to go super again, but if you're quick enough you shouldn't have to worry about doing below 50. For the last hit go all the way to the right and wait for him to jump three times then start heading left before he makes the final jump but don't go all the way to the other side or you could get trapped, once you see him make the last jump start turning around and preparing the rolling combo in advance as you don't get a lot of time to hit his feet to knock him back.
    Posted by vexer6 on 06 Sep 24 at 03:13
    vexer6@GreatPotBandito not true, if you hit him as Super Sonic it counts as two hits, after doing the rolling move I went Super and he died after one hit without me having to do the rolling combo again.

    The "go super and cancel out" strategy works for the final boss, I recommend grabbing every ring possible(if you go towards the left after hitting the spring by the shield item you can find some extra rings, in total there are 80 rings in the boss arena)and using super on last hit before the boss starts using his shield as the electricity is really tricky to dodge(the top level with Eggman on it has only a few gaps and with the alternating electricity on the level below it, it's pretty tough to avoid taking a hit there) so I recommend using Super to get in a hit and then cancelling out after you land, you should still have enough rings left to go super again for the last hit.
    Posted by vexer6 on 07 Sep 24 at 02:14
    lifebringer23Done all these bosses and no achievement
    Posted by lifebringer23 on 21 Jan at 21:56
    lifebringer23OK just unlocked, for oil desert boss go super and cancel works ace, he only need 4 hits on the way up, after a couple of attempts you will learn the timing for going super, as soon as you hit cancel with tails flying and grab extra coins. Now my mistake was at the top, I was super when he jumped, he pushed me to the side , I did my rolling attack at turned super straight away, this auto counted a hit which didn't count as being full super because I was turning super, so to be safe turn super fully before inflicting the final blow
    Posted by lifebringer23 on 21 Jan at 22:20
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