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Boat Cruise achievement in SEGA Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co.

Boat Cruise

Clear Stage 9 while on the Suisui Boat in Alex Kidd in Miracle World.

Boat Cruise0

How to unlock the Boat Cruise achievement

  • dataLoRe86dataLoRe86
    23 May 2012 23 May 2012 23 May 2012
    12 2 0
    In Level 9 you will start with the boat, just finish the hole stage with the boat. Don't hit any enemys or these red blocks because you will lose your boat. The boat can shoot like the helicopter, so use it for the fishes and birds. Save often too minimize frustration ;)
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  • KretheanKrethean
    24 May 2012 25 May 2012
    This is fairly easy to get, although the last section is a bit frustrating (when you jump and you have both a hawk and a flying fish ready to knock you off the boat). What I did was: slow down and shoot the hawk during the jump over the obstacle, then quickly jump over the fish.

    Just remember that you can shoot, and not to touch anything except for money (if you're not confident, or if you have heaps, you can skip the cash if it looks tricky to get.) Once you clear the hawk+fish combo, you're home free.
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