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Scruffy achievement in Mirror's Edge (WP)


Find the Scruffy graffiti


How to unlock the Scruffy achievement

    Locked 14 Jul 2012
    65 3 6
    The Scruffy graffiti can be found in Chapter 3-2, level Jailbreak. When you encounter the first runner you can actually take down, drop down in the second shaft all the way to the bottom. It's kinda hard to give an exact location, but that's the best I can do.
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    olanmillsI did this Achievement, but I guess it didn't pop and I didn't notice it. I got the in-game notice that I unlocked it, and the game's Achievement menu shows I have unlocked it but it's not unlocked in my gamer profile. It was the second Achievement I unlocked I think; I don't remember whether or not I saw the green Windows Phone Achievement notice. I can't unlock it again.

    I have a second phone. I guess I'll try installing the game on that to see if I can earn it again.
    Posted by olanmills on 12 Aug 12 at 07:23
    MC0REBEI'm not sure how to help you here since I didn't encounter such a thing just yet. Maybe you can send a mail to EA or IronMonkey Studios? I'm sure they will be able to help you out
    Posted by MC0REBE on 12 Aug 12 at 07:29
    olanmillsI forgot. I couldn't install Mirror's Edge on my other phone because it's not a Nokia.

    Anyways, I just uninstalled it and then reinstalled it on my main phone. I was able to unlock the Achievement to the second time around.
    Posted by olanmills on 13 Aug 12 at 10:04
    Bongo the SaneLocation spot on thank you.

    First I tried this on Speed Run and the achievement didn't pop.

    I replayed on story mode and cha ching. Done.
    Posted by Bongo the Sane on 17 Feb 13 at 15:01
    eeysiexcellent solution, got it on first try +1
    Posted by eeysi on 04 Feb 14 at 02:21
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