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Max Multiplier achievement in Shoot 1UP (WP)

Max Multiplier

Kill a boss with the best ship spread.

Max Multiplier0

How to unlock the Max Multiplier achievement

  • Crimson DrifterCrimson Drifter
    19 Mar 2014 23 Mar 2014
    This achievement is actually pretty simple and can be done on any Level on any difficulty and at any speed.

    If you look at the top left of your screen you will notice your number of lives "ships". Under this is a small ship icon and you will notice as you contract and expand your ship less/more symbols will appear.

    What you want to do is expand your ships until you see 9 of these symbols, this is considered a max spread. Now simply kill any boss while in this spread for the achievement.

    Bosses can get pretty cluttered, so if its easier for you, you can whittle the boss down to low health, then spread out right at the end to land the killing shots.

    Achievement pops after the level ends.
    Showing only comment. Leave a comment.
    InundatedDadThis achievement popped upon loading the game up for the first time.
    Posted by InundatedDad on 16 Mar 15 at 23:33
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