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Fashion victim! achievement in Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit

Fashion victim!

Have at least 10 face customisations.

Fashion victim!0

How to unlock the Fashion victim! achievement

    04 Oct 2012 04 Oct 2012 04 Oct 2012
    11 0 3
    This achievement is for purchasing new hats/masks in the shop. The early ones are very cheap and if you buy everything in the first 2-3 shops, you can have this achievement done less than an hour into the game. Later hats are $500+ so it's better to just do this quickly.

    If you want to save the money for whatever reason, you could also just collect hidden packages and complete side missions. Those hats will most likely count as well.
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    AZIANDRAGONI just started playing this game and got Fashion Victim! and Pimp that wheel! at the start of the game. I think it was due to the costume pack I bought. "I wanted the Shinobi and Shenmue designs! LOL!"
    Posted by AZIANDRAGON on 30 Apr 13 at 00:26
    AlbinoKidELITETo expand, this costs $670 in total - there are 7 helmets/hairstyles for $10 each, then you will have to spend $200 each on the final three. Still easy to get early on, I did this just before the end of level 2 and had several thousand to spend by then.
    Posted by AlbinoKidELITE on 19 Feb 14 at 20:08
    EverStoned77I just want to add that the hats collected in Packages do in fact count & for me the achievement popped when I bought my 9th hat/mask,had the Miner hat from the first package (the one shown in the video in the Good Santa Achievement)
    Posted by EverStoned77 on 02 Jul 14 at 23:17
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