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Not a chicken! achievement in Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit

Not a chicken!

Clear 10 secondary missions.

Not a chicken!0

How to unlock the Not a chicken! achievement

    04 Oct 2012 04 Oct 2012 04 Oct 2012
    30 5 2
    This refers to 10 of the sub-missions; when you find a mission portal, there are always 3 sub-missions in there. So you only need to beat 10 out of 30 sub-missions throughout the whole game for this achievement. Mission portals are marked with a red star with an M in it on your map, and there are no hidden ones beyond what tools you need to get in there.

    The earlier the level, the easier the missions, though you can't access the earliest ones until late in the game. If you want to minimize frustration, skip the missions in Casino (the motocross tricks).

    Also worth saying is that after you beat the game, all shortcuts on your teleport map are unlocked, so you can just quickly teleport between mission portals to get this achievement done.
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    ardliveNot sure about the difficulty ramp up. I found the casino missions to be the easiest, then the space missions. Level 1 missions were quite tough. Maybe they get tougher as you go on from the casino, then wrap around? Or something.

    Anyway good guide, thumbs up!
    Posted by ardlive on 16 May 13 at 13:24
    The GlobalizerYeah, I found the motocross side missions to be pretty basic, just make sure to hit the trigger last in the button combos, you can hold the XYAB buttons (as appropriate).
    Posted by The Globalizer on 19 Jan 15 at 16:38
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