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Derailed achievement in Zone of the Enders HD Collection


Defeat the train in less than 5 minutes


How to unlock the Derailed achievement

  • OzbrithianOzbrithian
    08 Nov 2012 08 Nov 2012
    This one is pretty easy, but if you are having too much trouble try to get this achievement on EASY difficulty.

    Basically you just gotta hurry. Use Gauntlet against the Orbital Frames to smash them into the wall. Once they hit the wall they will often fall behind you and the train. Spamming Gauntlet will help you dispatch them quickly.

    As for the train cars themselves, there are about 5 of them. Use Homing Beam to deal with them as quickly as possible while using Dash to dodge their attacks.

    I did this in less than 4 minutes on EASY and I'm honestly not that great a player.

    As usual if you want to vote this solution down please be decent enough to leave a comment as to why.
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