I hate this fight. Even on normal it's a real slog. The number one rule is patience.
- When Vic's in jet form, just hold down dodge and circle round. Most of his shots will miss.
- A sharp change of direction when he's just about to fire his ripple seems to work quite well
- You can fire lock up lasers at him constantly to do a tiny bit of damage. Might as well.
- If you get stuck around the landscape he can batter you. Be careful of going too low. Hammer dodge to get away a bit quicker.
- You can fly through the centre of the ripple attack if backed into a corner, or just to show off
- After his ripple attack (purple circles) he'll shoot three lasers
- Right after the three lasers is a good window for a stationary charged laser (the blue ball thing)
- Then he'll switch to robot mode and you can get in close
- Geyser can stun him here, so if you can cope with keeping track of which mode you're in, it's worth doing
- Blocking his melee combo will help. When I stopped desperately mashing buttons and trying to anticipate his combo I found I started surviving (a bit) longer.
- Dodge slash and grab him as soon as you can. When he's blocking is a great time to do it.
- Hammer grab to spin Vic round and (hopefully) pick a surface to slam him into. No slam = no damage, which can dent the morale. Spinning the tool around is also quite cathartic. Take the opportunity to laugh maniacally.
- If your grab sends him further away than you'd like, pop him with a blue ball thing
- You can do grab and slam him three times while he's in robot mode with a bit of luck
- As the fight goes on he'll get more of each attack and some nasty yellow lasers. Which is nice.
It's a war of attrition. Hang in there, you'll get it eventually.