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The Egret Has Landed achievement in Zone of the Enders HD Collection

The Egret Has Landed

Beat the game with a ranking of S

The Egret Has Landed0

How to unlock the The Egret Has Landed achievement

  • OzbrithianOzbrithian
    09 Nov 2012 09 Nov 2012 18 Dec 2012
    OK! This can either be the easiest or the hardest achievement in ZOE2.

    I'm gonna tell you the easy way!

    After you beat the game normally you will unlock Naked Jehuty. Just start a new game as NJ on Easy difficulty. The game will be pretty effortless and if you skip cutscenes you can do it in 2 hours. Make 2 hours your goal so no messing around. Most enemy swarms can be killed like they were tissue paper with Phalanx.

    Don't die at all. There is only one part of the game where this is even an issue and that of couse is the battle against possessed Ardjet. This is the only part I saved at other than the Big Battle mission. The timing here is difficult so if you accidentally kill her more than a few times exit and reload your save.

    The only other parts to worry about are the 2 ranked mission. The first, the battle against the spiders is effortless. Just use Zero Shift and wipe the floor with them just as they are emerging from the tunnels. I didn't save before this battle but you may wish to. Make sure nothing gets destroyed and that you get an SS ranking.

    Finally the big battle mission where you must protect 40 LEVs along side Vic Viper. This is easy. First save of course. Then Spam the heck out of Homing Missile. Literally that weapon will do all the work for you. Just keep an eye on the map and head towards areas with large amounts of enemies or where they are sending an SOS. If necessary use Geyser to help out the LEVs. I didn't bother playing medic myself, I helped them by killing all the enemies around them without effort. Reload if you don't get SS ranking. I got it on my first try. Not a brag... I'm not very good. It's just that easy!

    After you beat the game it will rank you on your score. The criteria are:

    Time: Under 2 hours
    Enemies killed: Crapload
    Highest attack chain or whatever it was called: pretty high during that one battle
    Deaths: None
    Saves 3
    Mission 1 score: SS
    Mission 2 score: SS
    Your Score: At least S
    Gamerscore: +30

    And remember, if you want to vote this solution down please leave a comment as to why. Seriously don't be THAT guy.

    EDIT: I've been told that this achievement and the one for A Rank do not stack. I cannot confirm this but I suppose blowing up a building on Mission 1 and letting a few LEVs die on Mission 2 and thus getting A Ranks will earn you A ranking instead. This is only an educated guess however.
    Showing all 6 comments. Leave a comment.
    DemandonSossThanks for the tip, this is my first run at the ZOE games. This helps a ton!
    Posted by DemandonSoss on 16 Nov 12 at 19:53
    Crown Deviantthanks for putting your stats up it really helps
    Posted by Crown Deviant on 23 Nov 12 at 22:21
    XtR HyPnOzZThanks.
    Note: It doesn't unlock the achievement for A rank
    Posted by XtR HyPnOzZ on 16 Dec 12 at 17:41
    Korthia VorthexDUDE, just got this one without even trying on my very first playthrough on easy here are my stats...also I got almost every achievement omw...didn't even have naked jehuty unlocked lol

    clear time: 02:53:03
    enemies destroyed:2705
    max consec. attacks:505
    vascilia event: A
    melee event: S
    overall rating:S
    Posted by Korthia Vorthex on 20 Dec 12 at 13:23
    ChaosAlertGot this on the first try, although I reloaded whenever I died (or had Ken fall into the lava). There's kind of room for error as shown:

    Clear Time: 04:40:39 (includes all cutscenes and end credits)
    Enemies Destroyed: 2644
    Max Consec. Attacks: 179
    Score: 779586
    Continues: 0
    Saves: 22
    Vascilia Event: A
    Melee Event: A
    Overall Rating: S
    Posted by ChaosAlert on 05 Jun 14 at 03:46
    Senryu BRI make the "lazy" way to obtain the A first, but for my surprise this follow stats give a rank S!
    Total time: 5:48:42 (included all cutscenes, credits and 80% searched of EX missions)
    Enemies destroyed: 3484
    Max consecutives atacks: 332
    Points: 483905
    Continues: 0 (i believe that and..)
    Saves: 45 (the number is not wrong!!!)
    Vascila Event: A (and the event´s make the diference for the ranlking)
    Melee Event: A
    Rank: S
    Posted by Senryu BR on 03 Apr 17 at 06:11
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