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The Good Rescuer achievement in Zone of the Enders HD Collection

The Good Rescuer

Earn a Ranking of SS at Vascilia Battle

The Good Rescuer0

How to unlock the The Good Rescuer achievement

  • De4th By ToastDe4th By Toast
    01 Nov 2012 02 Nov 2012 02 Nov 2012
    The requirements for a SS on this mission are as follows: 100% LEV survival, 100% Civilian Survival, 100% Building Integrity!!! To make matters worse in most difficulties if too many Spider units are left around the map the "friendly" LEV units will open fire on empty and manned structures!! This means you have to consider disabling your own ALLIES with Geyser trap every once in awhile just to have them NOT RUIN your other two score categories!!!

    YEAH, the Space Force is that dumb-no wonder Mars wants to Rebel...

    This AWESOME Map and strategy are brought to you courtesy of Faqsimile's GameFAQ guide for the Original Game; it has a GREAT spawn by spawn breakdown of this mission:

    It was honestly essential for me to use or I would've had a breakdown trying to get a Perfect SS on this mission!! But honestly Ranking for individual Rescue Missions is easier and more practical on lower difficulties so I would try these achievements on your 2nd play through when you unlock the more powerful versions of Jehuty and can bring back all of your sub=weapons like Comet/High Missile/ and even 0-Shift for quickly moving about the map!
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    Shinerbock88Great solution. Funny how playing on higher difficulties in ZoE1 is actually easier to get high ranks, but it's more difficult in ZoE2. The difference in difficulty from Easy to Hard is about nil, but every little thing helps with missions like this. I'm playing on Hard and wish I'd have started on Easy...

    This may be covered in your link, but I'd recommend telling folks a few things in your solution:

    1. Jehuty actually moves faster if if you keep spamming the RT instead of holding it. Every little bit helps when getting to a new Spider spawn point a second too late can easily make or break this rescue mission.

    2. Be sure to remove Lock On (hold LT until targeting reticule is removed) after destroying each group of Spiders or you'll involuntarily target friendly LEVs. This is incredibly annoying because it can spin you in a completely new direction and you don't want that when trying to get to the next Spider spawn point as quickly as possible.

    I have a question now that I hope you can answer.

    I just finished the ZoE2 and I'm about to start a NG+. I spent a long time on this mission and always lost 1% structure damage somewhere (I'm guessing it's a security gate somewhere the Spiders climb over.) Which Jehuty would you recommend I play with so I can get SS rank on this mission and the next mission?

    You've been thumbed, BTW haha.
    Posted by Shinerbock88 on 04 Nov 13 at 23:55
    Styles PluralJust got this. If you do it on your New Game+ playthrough playing as Naked Jehuty, it's easy as pie! Infinite Sub Weapons make it so easy. Using O-Shift gets your to the spiders in no time but mashing cn_RT to fly around works too. Rush up the spiders as they spawn and melee by mashing cn_X. Shooting lasers from a distance works but beware as they might hit friendlies. Also, be careful when locking onto targets with cn_LT and toggling with cn_RS or this could also harm friendlies. This achievement took me a couple tries because of the wonky target system; but you need to ensure you make a save prior so you can reload if you fail to get the SS Rank (just don't overwrite your Clear Save or you could lose the ability to access some New Game+ features).
    Posted by Styles Plural on 14 Feb 22 at 12:45
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