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Score on penalty shot (All-Star) achievement in NHL 2K6

Score on penalty shot (All-Star)

Score a penalty shot on All-Star difficulty or higher.

Score on penalty shot (All-Star)0

How to unlock the Score on penalty shot (All-Star) achievement

  • EmiraEmira
    06 Jul 2008 10 Jun 2009 22 Jul 2018
    141 19 61
    To be awarded a penalty shot you need to be on “Breakaway" a breakaway is when one of your players is on his own (no other players between him and the goalie) and the other team commits a foul on him. The method below will help you put one of your players to be on a "breakaway". The reason this achievement is hard is that the AI players will usually go faster back to their goal, or will always be players in this area; you will do this by controlling the AI players to be behind you, commit a foul on you so you get a penalty awarded.

    Make sure its All Star difficulty.

    1. U need 4 Controllers! (possibly 3)

    2. Put 3 Controllers for the other team (No difference what team you pick)

    3. Increase the penalty shot slider (No need for any other slider)

    4. Once the game starts commit fouls by the other team (just turn the right stick)To get 2 players (from the other team) kicked out in the box.

    5. When 2 players are kicked out you are only left with 3 players 1 for each controller!

    6. Push the other team players all the way to your Goalie (They well not go back because they are "humanly" controlled)

    7. With any of your players go to the other team goal (you are now on a breakaway!) because all the other team is behind you.

    8. Once you reach the goal - Click and keep holding the X (BLUE) - to be ready to shoot

    9. Bring any of the other team players and use the right stick to commit a foul on this player.

    10. Voilà, Penalty shot! ( All you need now is to actually score it!) Lowering the Goali sliders for HUMAN will help)

    It works 100% no guessing involved you will ALWAYS get a penalty shot. Tried and experienced several times with several Teams. Got the achievement for myself and for couple of friends

    I've added this photo, hopefully will help explain more on how to get it. I would have done a video, but i no longer have the game.
    External image

    Guide not helping? View 5 more guides for this achievement.

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    Rustyra24I did this with 2 guitar hero controllers and 2 normal controllers.
    Posted by Rustyra24 on 04 Aug 22 at 01:44
    cheesyluigi13Any suggestions for this one without any other controllers?
    Posted by cheesyluigi13 on 12 Aug 22 at 03:59
    PerfectOO7Didn’t work for me. I have really trouble getting the penalty shot and if I got one and score, I got no chievo :(
    Posted by PerfectOO7 on 12 Nov 23 at 00:34
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  • RoRoRacingRoRoRacing
    22 May 2009 22 May 2009
    61 10 34
    I got this today very easily. Go into the rosters menu and change the goalie stats for Denmark. Adjust everything down to 1 for their goalies. I then changed all of Denmark's skater stats to 1 for composure. This will make sure that they will have no problem fouling you once you get a breakaway. Then as mentioned earlier, simply go behind your own net and wait until you see a couple of Denmark's players on your side of the ice. Then sprint, RT, past all of their players, once you reach the other blue line, stop holding RT and press and hold X. You will slowly drift towards Denmark's goalie. One of their defenseman will be catching up to you and will foul you. This took me about 30 seconds into the first period to do this. Also make sure you have it on All-Star setting.
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    WyyvernCan't get it to register a penalty, really annoying.
    Posted by Wyyvern on 26 Mar 16 at 16:37
    speedygamers90They always slash me. Ugh & no penalty shot
    Posted by speedygamers90 on 06 Jul 16 at 15:46
    IggYPoP17Great guide!!! I would add that you only need to lower composure for 2 or 3 "D"efencemen and then turn line changes off.
    Posted by IggYPoP17 on 08 Apr 18 at 16:43
  • AlfindeolAlfindeol
    12 May 2009 12 May 2009
    50 10 13
    This is probably the only achievement that gives people issues in the game. With a little persistence and the right strategy though, it's easily done.

    Manipulating the game settings is the key to getting every achievement in NHL2k6 easily. These settings can be found after you choose your team in quick play mode. Press the Y button at the settings screen to access them and the bumpers to scroll through the different settings.

    For this achievement, set the difficulty to All-Start, set all of the AI skill sliders down to 0 and all of the Human sliders up as far as they will go. Also make sure that the Penalty Shot slider, in the penalties tab, is put all the way at the top. It is also best to set the period clock to a full 20 minutes so you have lots of time to try and get the penalty shotl. It's also best to select a very good team for yourself and a very bad team for your opponent. Denmark seems to be the favorite team to beat up on.

    Many suggest going two men down to increase your odds, but I didn't find it made much of a difference. Take control of the puck and stop right in front of your own net. Once you see all three of your opponents offensive players set up at your own blue line, speed ahead, holding the RT for turbo, and blow past their whole team. Once you get into their offensive zone, hold X for a slapshot and drift slowly towards their goalie. Hopefully, one of the defensemen from behind will take you out before the shot and you'll be awarded a penalty shot. Sometimes it takes a few tries, but just keep at it.

    Once you get the penalty shot, it's simply up to you to score a goal. It should be very easy with the sliders adjusted, but if you screw up, just try again. It shouldn't take you more than a period of trying once you get the technique down.

    Also, do check out the video Muhnamana posted. It is quite helpful if you are having trouble visualizing what you need to do.

    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    GoldenStapleThanks so much, took a couple of tries but got it in the end! smile
    Posted by GoldenStaple on 31 Dec 14 at 17:46
    FreshAspekYou need to be far enough out front for an opponent to come running up and trip you from behind.
    Posted by FreshAspek on 09 Jun 20 at 03:02
    a holy chainsawI figured it out. Lower the other sliders apart from penalty shot to minimum but not zero. You get tons of chances that way!
    Posted by a holy chainsaw on 26 Jan 21 at 02:11
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