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Centripetal Force achievement in Angry Birds Space (WP)

Centripetal Force

Shoot a bird into a lagrangian point

Centripetal Force0

How to unlock the Centripetal Force achievement

  • BeanpotterBeanpotter
    23 Nov 2012 23 Nov 2012
    28 0 1
    I found the easiest, earliest level to do this on was 1-10. You'll see 2 pigs, perched on top of two towers on seperate 'planets'. The blue glowing circles around each planet represent their gravitational fields. You need to get a bird stuck, where they overlap. I simply fired a bird, gently, straight ahead and it got pulled in without coming out the other side. The achievement popped once the bird had settled.

    Video credit to AngryBirdsNest. if you're interested, it's a neutral point where 2 objects gravitational fields and the centrifugal force required to orbit them, cancel themselves out. Named after some French astronomy guy. smile
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    boldfoxrdJust wanted to add that the bird doesn't have to rest in the bubble. It went to one side, fell back and shot out the safe area, but I still got the achievement.
    Posted by boldfoxrd on 03 Sep 13 at 22:41
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