I'm not going to give you a guide on how to do each level but if you do need help, there are plenty of excellent guides on YouTube (like the one I'll link at the bottom of the page). I managed to get this without any help and I am a complete Angry Birds novice so I'm sure anyone can get this without too much trouble.
Stars are in plentyful supply as this list shows: -
Area 1, Pig Bang: - 99 stars.
Area 2, Cold Cuts: - 99 stars.
Area 3, Fry Me To The Moon - 33 stars.
Area 4, Utopia: - 99 stars
Area 5, Red Planet: - 99 stars
There are another 36 stars available if you're able to earn 3 stars on each page of 10 levels via the Eggsteroid levels. That makes 465 available stars. The later levels are much harder to get three stars on so make sure you get as many from the early levels as you can. The achievement will pop as soon as you earn your 250th star on the score screen for the level.
Start of 3 star guide to every level. Credit goes to NextGenWalkthroughs.