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Well Done achievement in The Cave

Well Done

Sacrificed oneself for ultimate flavor.

Well Done0
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How to unlock the Well Done achievement

  • XBU PhilippeXBU Philippe
    21 Jan 2013 21 Jan 2013
    32 1 2
    This is easily done, even if the achievement is very missable. You can get this achievement in the very first puzzle (!), where you have to put a hot dog onto a stick, ringing the bell and activating the lever (thus getting that monster out of the way).

    What you'll have to do is placing the hot dog on the stick and not ringing the bell. Instead, hop over these deadly spikes! The monster will spark some flames at you (you will die) and roasting the hot dog on the stick in the process. Bon appétit! I mean... Achievement unlocked!
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    StarshadeFPSWoop! start over for me.
    Posted by StarshadeFPS on 23 Jan 13 at 11:20
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