This is rewarded for finishing the monk's puzzle.
Quick step guide through the maze (beware of spoilers!) (without getting all the artworks! This is just the solution of the puzzle):
- Have the monk go all the way up the mountain. Use his special ability to break down the rocks in order to climb the mountain all the way to the top.
- Again, use your special ability to have the wind ring the bells and talk with your master. Again, special ability to activate the wind and have the feather blown to yo. AGAIN... special ability to get the feather...
- Climb down the mountain again.
- Stand with all three characters, including one holding the feather, on the red bridge by that little pond. Jump - the bridge breaks. Go on into the temple with the monk (the others will follow).
- First task of zenness: Close the window with your special ability standing as far away from it as possible. Now run to your right, stand on that red bridge, activate special ability to get the flowers. Now don't run! Move the analog stick slighty to the left in order to GO, not to RUN! (if you run, the flowers will disappear). Still, don't dally. If you get to the right point again, close the windows a second time with your special ability. Finally, you can put the flowers onto the shrine and the task is complete.
- Climb the ladder.
- Second task of zenness: Easily solved, even without visiting
Acquire the 7 gallon vessel. Make it full. Pour the 7 gallon vessel into the 4 gallon vessel. Make the 4 gallon vessel empty. Pour the contents of the 7 gallon vessel into the 4 gallon vessel. Fill the 7 gallon vessel again. Pour now the 7 gallon vessel into the 4 gallon vessel. Now you can place the 7 gallon vessel onto the pedestal, for now it holds 6 gallons of water.
- It is done. Go up with the elevator.
- Third task of zennes: Easy as hell - if you're zen. :)
Have every character of yours stand on one rug.
Stay completely still until the rugs stop! It is done. :)
- Move up the rope with the monk.
- Have the monk climb the ladder to the left, go left and meditate with X. Stay still until the camera stops zooming out. Go the the left and use your special ability (once more...) a couple of times on the screw, until it falls down. Still zoomed out, go to the right, jump over the gap with the ladder and use your special ability to get this piece of wood loose.
- Go down the ladder, to the right, push the stone to the right, jump up the rope and again up the mountain to your master.
- Use your special ability to blow the wind and ring the bell again. Watch what happens...
- You're done. Go all the way to the right, down the mountain again, stand on the right place in front of the gates and opened it with your special ability (one last time...). :)