55 0 1Actions The best level I found for this is 3-11 as there are two ropes with spiders you can cut at the very beginning. Simply cut both ropes and immediately restart.Guide not helping? View 1 more guide for this achievement.Showing only comment. Leave a comment. You may want to add that you don't have to do anything for this achievement in this level.I let my pc ruining in the level mentioned by you for the 'let spiders steal candy 100 times'-achievement and when I came back I had this one as well.Maybe the game counts 1 spider as eating the candy, while the other one has been outsmarted?Posted by EaSkateVideo on 30 May 18 at 19:32 Leave a comment
29 0 1Actions 2-18 is great as well. 3 spiders and all you have to do is cut the 2 starting ropes and then cut the ropes with spiders the instant the candy attaches to the ropes.Showing only comment. Better solution. More spiders, less time. Upvote for you sir!Posted by DCRealityPunch on 16 Oct 14 at 03:11