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Purist achievement in Real Racing 2 (WP)


Achieve gold in a career event with no assists (brake/steering)


How to unlock the Purist achievement

  • Senior ChuponSenior Chupon
    01 Nov 2014 01 Nov 2014 01 Nov 2014
    To earn this you need to go in to Options and turn Anti-Skid off, Steering Assist off and slide the Brake Assist to 0%. Then do any race in career mode and win. I picked an early head to head race. Just make sure to take the turns slowly by braking and try not to skid out or hit any walls.

    As long as you are on Easy this is not too hard.

    Also just to note, you can get this even after winning gold on an event so don't feel like you need to do this early. You can do this any time.
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