- Real Racing 2 (WP) Achievements
- String of Success achievement
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String of Success achievement in Real Racing 2 (WP)
String of SuccessPlace first in 10 consecutive multiplayer races
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Devices with Windows 10 Mobile natively installed (not upgraded) cannot connect, making this achievement unobtainable for those devices.
How to unlock the String of Success achievement
TriRock 02 Jan 2014 02 Jan 2014 17 Aug 2017
This is a local wi-fi MP only achievement, meaning you need two WPs to get a shot at it. Make sure both WPs are connected to your wi-fi so that they can find each other.
The fastest track would be King's Speedway (the oval track) and set the race length to one lap. Pick your fastest car, and let the dummy quit out. You (the account you want the achievement for) still need to finish the race, though. The achievement will unlock once you have 10 consecutive wins.
UPDATE: According to CroutonCrusader, you don't need to buy the game twice, you can boost by playing against yourself. Of course, you still need two devices.
UPDATE 2: If you're experiencing technical issues, check the comment section, there are lot's of hints there.
UPDATE 3: According to Henbab, who tested this on multiple devices, this achievement is WP8 only. MP won't work on WP10 devices, sadly.