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Spray Shop Veteran achievement in Real Racing 2 (WP)

Spray Shop Veteran

Purchase a paint job for 5 cars

Spray Shop Veteran0

How to unlock the Spray Shop Veteran achievement

  • planchetflawplanchetflaw
    09 Apr 2022 09 Apr 2022 09 Apr 2022
    You can purchase new cars from the Pit lane in the main menu.

    When you have 5 owned cars, apply a different paint colour to them. Each respray will cost $5,000 so this achievement costs $25,000 just for the spraying. Including the 5 cheapest cars, you are looking at around $175,000 total cost for this.

    Also, you must maintain ownership of all your sprayed cars until you have 5 in your garage that are sprayed.

    You can NOT buy three cars, spray them, sell them, buy two more, spray them, and have the achievement unlock, for example. You need 5 resprayed cars in your garage at the same time.

    Note that some races have a requirement to have the car you enter be resprayed (Tier 1 event list, for example). So some of these will come with natural game play.
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