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Minimalist achievement in Yahtzee (WP)


Score 5 in a game


How to unlock the Minimalist achievement

  • BistricBistric
    19 Feb 2013 19 Feb 2013 19 Feb 2013
    One of the toughest achievements in this game. You need to score only 5 points total in Classic game mode. (I tried Battle mode, didn't work. Other modes are even tougher to get only 5 points, so I didn't even try).

    You can play using the "Play Now" option, and is better to do so, because you play solo. There is no reason to play with 2 players, because you will certainly lose, and only wins count for the other achievements.

    The basic premise is: You must score a Yahtzee made of ones (5x1). Nothing else. And that Yahtzee needs to be scored in a chance spot (marked by "?"). Because if you don't, the game forces you to play a chance anyway and adds your dice to the score.
    This is where you need a bit of strategy.

    The strategy is the following:
    - The first chance you get and roll no 1s, block off the 1 tile in the upper section.
    - Next, block off "3x" and "4x" tiles in the lower section.

    (This is done because your objective is to collect 1s. If you don't do this as fast as possible, you might be forced to actually score these tiles later on.)

    - Once that is done, block off upper section numbered tiles as the chance arises (i.e. you have no dice of that number).
    - Full House, Small and Large Straight tiles should be used in dire need when you have no free numbered dice.
    - Yahtzee field should usually be left for last, as it's the least likely to actually happen.

    NOTE: You know which tiles have a zero score because they lack a white border and have a dash underneath them. If they are bordered, don't use them, you will score.

    The last part of the achievement is left to sheer luck:
    - You actually need to score a Yahtzee made of 1s.

    Basically, using this strategy, you have 13 chances per game to get it, and if you follow it, you will get the achievement.

    It took me about 25-30 tries. I got the achievement mid-way through the game, then I just rolled once per try and filled in the blank spots as necessary.

    Good luck!
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    Prince KeepoHad to delete my last comment - as pointed out in your original post you can't get this achievement on 2up as if you do, the other player has to fill in Chance and will beat your five points. I learnt that the hard way. As well as making sure to fill in the top row plus x3 and x4 ASAP.

    4 Yahtzees in ones later and I finally got it!
    Posted by Prince Keepo on 07 Mar 13 at 17:34
    illdizzogGreat solution, plus one. I also got it first try, last free square was my chance, rolled a single 1 followed by three more and the last little bugger on the final roll. This after my previous roll was a straight Yahtzee of 5's in one roll. Never happens like that!
    Posted by illdizzog on 24 Mar 13 at 08:54
    PeeMcPeeFecking hell, over 50 games down and still not even close to this. Gah!
    Posted by PeeMcPee on 10 Jul 13 at 16:49
    redjarmanI did this playing a 4 human player classic game, while attempting it with all 4 players. Problem is, I got it with player one, so I can't really confirm if it counts if any other player gets it. Hopefully someone else could try and confirm
    Posted by redjarman on 11 Aug 13 at 00:01
    Dancsi27i got it on the 2nd or 3rd tries too. As soon as i got 5x 1, i used it on the ?. Then i simply blocked the remaining squares with 0's
    Posted by Dancsi27 on 03 Dec 13 at 03:26
    The GlobalizerThird try here as well. Perfect solution, thanks for the detail, it helped to organize the effort.
    Posted by The Globalizer on 10 Jan 14 at 06:07
    MagicalChildTried on a 2 human player classic game. Ended a game with 2nd player only scoring 5 points but didn't get the achievement. So I guess it needs to be player one.
    Posted by MagicalChild on 22 Jun 14 at 22:04
    eHeadaches5 attempts. Great solution. Got my 10 yahtzee also
    Posted by eHeadaches on 30 Nov 14 at 03:22
    Isn't it ironic I got it on my first try? haha damn lucky
    Posted on 23 Jul 15 at 02:43
    planchetflawOnly took 4 games post-adventure :)
    Posted by planchetflaw on 23 Oct 21 at 09:07
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