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Master of Urban Development achievement in Royal Envoy 2 Special Edition (Windows)

Master of Urban Development

Over 10,000,000 game points earned.

Master of Urban Development0

How to unlock the Master of Urban Development achievement

  • MiniogerMinioger
    06 Mar 2013 06 Mar 2013 06 Mar 2013
    28 0 4
    By the end of Adventure mode, I had about 4 million points. You can either play Expert mode (assuming you have 3 starred all levels), try some Challenge levels, or simply grind out the points.

    For the grind, load up level 58. This is a fairly straightforward level where you simply have to free the workers and build the lava levee. The video guide I found actually took a LOT longer than the way I did it, so I will lay out the steps and try to upload pictures later if they are needed. Here is how to do it!

    1. Locate the path to the glutton (bottom of the screen), you will need to clear two trees to get to him. The first tree is directly to the left of the broken bridge (bottom right). Have one worker get these two trees.

    2. At the same time, have your other worker open the treasure chest that is in the smoke of the volcano. This chest contains enough materials/gold to finish the level! So collect it all!

    3. Have one worker feed the glutton, and the other worker pay the pirate.

    4. As soon as both paths are opened, begin repairs on the lava levee. Then click to have the broken bridge repaired.

    5. Wait the 25-30 seconds for the level to finish, gain 100,000 points, then click restart until the achievement pops!
    Showing all 4 comments. Leave a comment.
    Skelixsuch a broken level! Why would they have everything in that 1st chest? I won't complain too much makes this much easier, thanks!
    Posted by Skelix on 25 Mar 13 at 01:53
    ReronAs much as I hate grinding, that level takes less than a minute and a half and it's barely over 30 seconds of clicking then a minute of waiting. Pretty easy to do while watching tv.
    Posted by Reron on 31 Mar 13 at 19:31
    Minioger@Skelix apparently if you watch the videos of the standard PC version the chest in the smoke of the volcano is hidden, so you normally wouldn't see it.

    @reron yeah, much better than some grinds. I figured the shortest level of the last set of stages had to be the best way to do it.
    Posted by Minioger on 31 Mar 13 at 22:49
    Vr EnglishI thought about this when I was going through the game, so much faster than the rest of the levels. The grind didn't take long, the only lengthy part is waiting for them to build the levee. You can get into a real rhythm with it. Good post, I can confirm from playing the level that the way you have described is by far the most efficient way to complete the level.
    Posted by Vr English on 01 May 13 at 08:02
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