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Unsurpassable Accuracy achievement in Royal Envoy 2 Special Edition (Windows)

Unsurpassable Accuracy

For whitewashing your opponents in the snowball fight (win each round).

Unsurpassable Accuracy0

How to unlock the Unsurpassable Accuracy achievement

  • QuickMythrilQuickMythril
    13 Mar 2013 12 Mar 2013 13 Mar 2013
    10 0 8
    the snowball fight is level 8 in the western arctic. (there is also one on level 52.) for level 8, open the treasure chest which gives you 1500 gold. you only need 1000 to build a market here, but you must clear the snowpile from the build site first. send two guys into the forestry and have the other two clean the piles of snow and fix and upgrade the buildings with the wood you are producing. take your two guys from the forestry once the houses are upgraded and spend your money on food. hire new workers at the castle until you have 10 then send everyone over to build the snow fort. once it is done the timer will stop and you begin the snowball fight. it should be quite easy to get three stars.

    you have to win 2 of 3 rounds to pass the level, but you have to win 2 rounds together without losing one to get this achievement. you have to click on the blue guys as soon as they pop up their heads. be quick as they will duck back down as soon as they throw a snowball. i found this a bit tricky to do with a mouse, so if you have a touchscreen or tablet that might help out. round 2 seems to be designed to be the hardest. i've never lost round 1 or 3. something that also might help is when no one is popping up just try clicking guys that haven't popped up recently. it doesn't seem like the same guy ever comes up twice in a row and if you click a spot just before someone appears you should still hit him. for the ones who throw and duck again really fast, that seems like the only way i could get them. it's a combination of skill and luck. just keep trying. the actual level doesn't take long at all.

    if you have trouble, try waiting until level 52. i got this achievement my first time thru on this one. i gave up after trying the level 8 fight about 5-10 times, but i may have just gotten lucky here. the level itself is a bit tougher, but by this point you should be able to figure out the strategy for building what you need to get the fight going.
    Showing all 8 comments. Leave a comment.
    ReronThanks for suggesting level 52 for this. I'd tried 8 a few times and like you got it on 52 my first try (though round 2 was very close).
    Posted by Reron on 31 Mar 13 at 13:02
    DPC eNeRGyI just mashed all the positions continuesly and you don't get punished for it. Makes it very easy.
    Posted by DPC eNeRGy on 31 Mar 13 at 18:10
    QuickMythrilonly problem i had with mashing all the positions was sometimes i would throw to one spot just when someone popped up at another spot and i didn't have enough time to hit them with the next throw.
    Posted by QuickMythril on 31 Mar 13 at 21:39
    SkrypekThe game in level 8 is rigged!
    Posted by Skrypek on 04 Apr 13 at 00:47
    QuickMythrilthat's what i thought too.
    Posted by QuickMythril on 04 Apr 13 at 03:03
    I Spiritus II did it on level 52. Hitting the screen furiously seemed to work lol. They did not hit me at all on the first round and only once on the second round. I can see tis achievement being much easier on touchscreens.

    Cheers for the tips!
    Posted by I Spiritus I on 10 May 13 at 06:31
    TheFlaminCFYI.... If you do not win the second round. Hit the menu button in the top left corner, then hit the Exit button which will take you back to the map. Start the snowball level back up and it will ask you if you want to restart or play your saved game. Select saved game and it will start you up right at the snowball fight. If you don't win the second round rinse and repeat the above process until you get the achievement. By doing this you only have to play the level through once.
    Posted by TheFlaminC on 19 Jun 13 at 14:56
    KungFuMonk3yYup 52 is the way to go, and frantic tapping worked, also once you hit in a guy, start frantically tapping on a slot on either side of him, preferably with two fingers splitting up the slots double tapping you should nail this easily.
    Posted by KungFuMonk3y on 05 May 14 at 18:43
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