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500 Buildings achievement in Royal Envoy 2 Special Edition (Windows)

500 Buildings

For constructing 500 buildings.

500 Buildings0

How to unlock the 500 Buildings achievement

  • Mike MarcelaisMike Marcelais
    19 Mar 2013 20 Mar 2013 01 May 2013
    I got this after finishing the main storyline and playing only a few of the bonus levels. There is no in-game progress counter, but if it hasn't unlocked for you by the end of the game, it should shortly.

    If it hasn't unlocked for you and you just want to grind it out, replay level 1. Build cabins on the empty lots and restart.

    Houses, as well as Markets, Sawmills, Banks, and Dovecotes do count toward this achievement. (Confirmed by Hotdogmcgee.)
    Showing all 6 comments. Leave a comment.
    HotdogmcgeeAfter finishing the main story, I replayed the first level a few extra times until the achievement popped. In that level, you simply build 5 cabins. I'd hire 2 extra guys and build/upgrade all the spots and could complete the level in around 1 minute, then restart and do it all over again.
    Posted by Hotdogmcgee on 14 Apr 13 at 03:21
    Mike MarcelaisThanks for confirming that houses count.

    I wonder if it's faster on level 1 to continually build and destroy buildings (since you get lots of starting resources) rather than finish the level and restart if you want to grind this out.
    Posted by Mike Marcelais on 14 Apr 13 at 05:25
    Vr EnglishSo I've just got this achievement using Hotdogcgee's method. Destroying them takes time, its faster just to press restart each time.
    Posted by Vr English on 01 May 13 at 08:00
    Failure Onlineso do you have to finish the level or not
    Posted by Failure Online on 07 Jul 13 at 07:36
    Mike MarcelaisNo. I believe it pops in-level as soon as the 500th building has finished.
    Posted by Mike Marcelais on 07 Jul 13 at 07:46
    UnsungGhostI would like to say that since you have so much resources on the first level, it is very efficient to destroy and rebuild buildings. Once you run out of resources just restart the level. And yes, it pops as soon as you build the 500th building.
    Posted by UnsungGhost on 14 Oct 13 at 02:02
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