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Gap 50 achievement in Endless Skater (Windows)

Gap 50

Find 50 Gaps in any run!

Gap 500

How to unlock the Gap 50 achievement

  • JJBDude48JJBDude48
    22 May 2013 22 May 2013
    I will copy and paste my description for the 100 gap achievement, as you will get the Gap 50 achievement as you progress towards that.

    Endless Skater (Windows)Gap 100The Gap 100 achievement in Endless Skater (Windows) worth 67 pointsFind 100 Gaps in any run!

    "This achievement is gotten by getting 100 gaps in one run, so make sure you are in Endless Run mode and not the timed 2 minutes one. A gap only counts if it comes up at the bottom registered like it was a trick, there are other times when you will see gap 200 or 300 or whatever pop up, those do not count towards this total.

    I got this achievement after 8 minutes on the second level in the game called Rooftops (bought for 150 bucks of the games currency). This achievement could be done on the School level however will take much longer as there are no way near as much gaps. Rooftops has lots more gaps as every rooftop you Ollie off of will most of the time grant you a +1 towards your 100 total.

    Now this achievement is quite hard as the Rooftops level is more hazardous compared to School but it really comes down to learning all the sections in the level and knowing when and where to Ollie. It took me an hour and a half of on and off trying to get the achievement as there would always be one little bit I'd mess up on and result in me needing to start over. It's important to notice that the level is always randomly generated with each part having 3 sections (sometimes less). Memorise your preferred lane to be in and keep going on it every time you get to that part of the section.

    Finallly It's probably worth making sure your skater is levelled up to the max as some of the gaps require a big Ollie which just isn't possible on a low stat skater. Sometimes you will need to do little Ollies not big ones, that's what messed me up the most as I would clear the gap I wanted to Ollie and then land in to a hazard before I had chance to Ollie again.

    Overall the achievement isn't too hard if you're willing to put the time in, just a bit of a pain which I am glad is over for me. Feel free to ask any questions and I'll try my best to answer."
    Showing all 7 comments. Leave a comment.
    AP E JCI had 27x100 in the gap section in the end of the run and got this achievement way before the end. So I'm not sure if it only counts the "tricky" ones. Maybe it's 100 "different" gaps?
    Posted by AP E JC on 22 May 13 at 18:27
    JJBDude48Without sounding rude I do believe you're wrong or gotten confused somehow. I did extensive testing such as doing 2 "tricky" gaps followed by a "small" gap, so a total of 3 and then letting myself fall off my board. The end screen would only say I made 2 gaps.

    And it definitely isn't unique gaps as there's probably only 25 gaps in total, let alone 100 unique ones.
    Posted by JJBDude48 on 22 May 13 at 18:54
    AP E JCYou're not rude at all. Since I'm only speculating here.

    I'm sure I got the 50 achievement and in the end screen it said 27x100. Defintely there is something I'm not seeing here. I will, on my way to the 100, keep record of them to see if I can determine what is wrong.
    Posted by AP E JC on 22 May 13 at 19:24
    JJBDude48Okay just didn't want to come across as arrogant. Well lets see if any others can confirm your speculation and if so I will edit my solution to add in your thoughts.
    Posted by JJBDude48 on 22 May 13 at 19:29
    AP E JCWell I managed to get the 100 Gaps achievement and I can guarantee that the gap counter in the end is what you're looking for. It showed exactly 100 gaps. I died right after it because it took me 90 mins int the school level to get it safely. So cheers for you.

    The only thing I can tell is that this counter sometimes loses track of some gaps. In the beginning I was taking notes of the gaps, and sometimes it missed one or two. In the end I stopped counting because I was getting distracted by it. Thanks for the clarifications.

    Tips for getting in the school level are. Always stay on the right lane. Just change lanes when you cross the two traversal tables. Go for the Gap by breaking the window when entering the building and the table top inside the building. There are other gaps, but I don't think they are "safe".
    Posted by AP E JC on 23 May 13 at 14:56
    SrfsmurfI actually got this while I was using a horipad for getting the achivement for doing the 15 Trick Combo. There is no way I got 50 gaps in one run doing it this way, so either the achievement is glitchy or the gaps are cumulative during one session. I did this on the School level, which I believe was during Timed mode and after a 12 hour session I had it. I was hoping to get the 100 gaps the same way, but after 26-27 hours I did not get it. I will try again but in Endless mode this time...
    Posted by Srfsmurf on 25 Dec 14 at 18:42
    SrfsmurfDidn't get it in Endless mode either after 34 hours :(
    Posted by Srfsmurf on 27 Dec 14 at 04:11
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