I picked this one up today and it was easier than I thought. Here are the earliest starting missions for each Armor Ability. You do not need to complete the level for the ability use to count.
Regen Field - A-1
Sprint - A-3
Stun Blast - B-1
Hologram - B-4
Active Camouflage - C-3
Hardlight Shield - D-2 (Earliest pickup of this item is Mission C-4)
Simple enough: start up each level and use the starting Armor ability once and you will get the achievement as soon as the last ability is activated. Easy 10G! compute
Posted by "PaleGringo" in the win8 version
you will also need to buy the "Autosentry" for 300xp on level A-1 do not know for other levels. To buy tap "Regen Field" on level start for a list of abilities to buy then conform purchase (this is only using XP not real money)
you do not have to complete the level just let your self get killed and quit, I do not know if it works if you quit from the pauses menu.
added by me