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Hero in a Half Shell achievement in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

Hero in a Half Shell

Complete all Challenge levels.

Hero in a Half Shell0

How to unlock the Hero in a Half Shell achievement

  • Tonic24kTonic24k
    25 Oct 2013 25 Oct 2013 28 Oct 2013
    All you have to do here is finish all the Challenge maps. They're located at the NYC Map under Challenge Mode. The only one not required is the very top option, "Survival".

    There are 4 rounds for each stage.

    -Shredder's Lair
    -Kraang Base

    I used Donatello due to his ability to gain back 20 health from knocking down 5 enemies in a row with the "Line 'em Up" upgrade under COMBAT. The level 3 move with the Gravity Gauntlet works very well for this. I also suggest unlocking the Unlimited Special Attack. With this you can build a 20 hit combo, roll out of the way, taunt and power yourself up with a 20 second unlimited special attack. Have the Gravity Gauntlets equipped and go to town with the level 3 attack.

    If you prefer to use a different turtle that's fine. The most important thing is that you are proficient with their fighting style and that they're leveled up most of the way.
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    Redbaron671So I dont have to do the challenges to complete the level? Currently I get to the end and just get game over...even though I would do all the challenges and the 4 rounds.
    Posted by Redbaron671 on 14 Dec 13 at 22:50
    RemekiIn regards to Redbaron671's question you don't need to do any of the challenges during you run to count it for a completion. I finished maps with none to all three challenges done and I still received the achievement no problem. In addition, after finishing all four rounds you'll get the game over screen, but as long as you finished the four rounds you're golden for that map.
    Posted by Remeki on 15 Jan 14 at 21:03
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