-First off make sure whichever turtle you're going to use is maxed out.
-Do this solo. The camera makes the game nearly unplayable in this mode during co-op. Plus you will have the entire life and power-up pool to yourself.
This is a survival run spanning the entire game. Be mindful of that and take extra care to avoid losing a life. Pizzas are plentiful if you're playing solo- the only difficult parts will be bosses and certain enemies which I will go through.
1. Alley- This level is very easy, only basic enemies and plentiful health packs.
2. Subway-Only part that may give you problems is the female ninja boss. See below strategy for her.
3. Sewer- Basic level that introduces mousers and humanoid mousers. Big thing to watch out for here is the exploding red mousers. They can take a lot of your health. When they are close to exploding you have 2 options: Dodge or activate a special attack for invincibility frames. When you get used to dealing with them try using their explosions against other enemies.
4. Warehouse- Mouser and Foot ninja mix. See below for boss strategy
5. Rooftops- Foot ninjas and female ninja boss. Same strategy as last time for her. This level introduces Red dual sword ninjas. See below strategy for them.
6. Shredder's lair- Foot ninjas and Shredder.
7. Kraang Base- Gun wielding enemies and foot. Be dodging around to avoid combo loss. The foot will actually fight the Kraang, so use this as an opportunity to take pressure off yourself and dodge out of battle for health pickups. End battle will put you against Shredder 2.
Enemies of note:
1.) Red Foot- Ninjas in red with two swords. What you can do for an easy KO is build up your TPKO, get right near one then dodge towards them. If you did it correctly you'll roll over their back and then be able to immediately use RT trigger + X to do a sleeper hold on them. *Note there is also a black costumed variety of this enemy.*
2.) Kraang- All you need to keep in mind is the gun use. Just be ready to dodge more often and from farther away.
3.) Red Mousers- Watch for the explosions, use either a dodge or invincibility frame on a special to avoid big damage.
4.) Humanoid mousers- Just be ready to dodge spinning arm attacks. Other than that they're basic foot soldiers.
1.) Female Ninja-
Very easy- first off kill off all her help when you encounter her. Then when she's alone she has very few attacks. Either she will toss grenades ( just walk or dodge away) teleport in with a red lunge attack ( dodge) or teleport in with a strike from behind ( tap B to counter attack. 90% of the time she's teleporting in form behind so literally just stand still and tap B to counter it. You'll toss her down and then be able to pick her up and hit her 2-3 times before you want to dodge away again. Just repeat the process.
2.) Baxter Giant Mouser.
What you have to do is attack 4 weak points. First off stay far back to initiate the laser attack. When he's committed to this move go in and hit him 3-4 times and dodge away. You want to dodge away early to avoid his ground stomps. When he goes down take out a head with a 5 hit combo followed be a TPKO. Repeat the process until he falls. Watch out for mousers and keep in mind the 3 pizzas around him.
3.) Shredder 1.
First you take out the red ninjas using the above strategy. When they go down you get normal foot who are much easier to manage. Build your TPKO from these ninjas and then hit Shredder with it. Avoid him while building combo- he has a lot of unblock -able hits and you cannot dodge over him. Keep in mind the pizza by his throne up the stairs.
4.) Shredder 2.
a)-The Hard Part. You will want at least 15 lives when you get here ( Pretty easy to make it with 25 lives if you follow above advice.)
b)-Fist take out the fight between Kraang and Foot. When the intial battle is over the female ninja boss and several white foot will appear. IGNORE THE FEMALE NINJA and kill the white foot. She goes away by herself shortly before shredder appears.
c)-Shredder 2 has 3 attacks that are problems. An area pulse, and straight on energy blast and a dive kick all which will repel you and do heavy damage. What you want to do here is go into sprint mode and run a circle around Shredder. This will trigger his dive kick which you can avoid by simply dodging or even continuing to run.
d)-When shredders landed from the dive kick what you want to do is build a TPKO from the two foot with him at all times and then move his way and hit him with it. You can get away with building to 4 off the ninjas and getting the 5th hit on him before the TPKO. DO NOT TRY AND HIT SHREDDER MORE THAN TWICE WITH BASIC ATTACKS. He will either hit you with and an unblockalbe counter or area pulse you away. Simply fall into the familiar strategy of building combo off the foot and than hitting Shredder with the TPKO.
Keep on at it while bearing in mind Shredder will kill you multiple times while doing this.
He will go down if you repeat steps C and D.