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Multilingual achievement in Wordament (Android)


Play Wordament in more than one language


How to unlock the Multilingual achievement

  • pezza888pezza888
    12 Oct 2013 13 Oct 2013 10 Aug 2015
    This can be done quite quickly. You need to finish a game in two different languages. If you do one game, then the app/your device crashes, you'll need to play that first game again.
    As for the actual achievement just play one game in your main language, then switch languages in the options screen (slide to the right twice from the home screen). After switching you need to complete another game, this time in your new language. It doesn't matter how well you do, just that you finish.
    You can do this with any two languages. I did English and Spanish.
    Just play your two games and it will unlock.

    Thanks to Billy Horrible for confirming that you don't need to play a full game and that it will still unlock if you only join half way. says that it does not have to be done in one sitting.

    If it refuses to unlock for you, Jonas512 advises that you should try playing in 2 new languages that you have never played a wordament game before in, on any platform.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    pezza888Alright then Draco, I'll change that.
    Posted by pezza888 on 16 Oct 13 at 17:52
    benh57Hm, this won't pop for me. Played a spanish game, then english.
    Posted by benh57 on 12 Jan 14 at 06:24
    Jonas512If you have played Wordament on a different platform you need to pick two languages which you have not played before. I played Swedish and English on iOS and tried the same on Android, but it didn't unlock the achievement. Then I tried Spanish and Norwegian and it unlocked.
    Posted by Jonas512 on 06 Aug 15 at 18:54
    pezza888Surely that can't be right Jonas, in all the platforms I've played this on I've only ever played in English, Spanish or Arabic, but I have completed the game on ios, android and web.
    Posted by pezza888 on 07 Aug 15 at 19:52
    Jonas512Maybe it was just some glitch for me then. But yeah, I needed to do that to get it to unlock. It is at least noted if someone runs into the same problem.
    Posted by Jonas512 on 09 Aug 15 at 13:55
    pezza888Okay, well I'll add a small footnote :)
    Posted by pezza888 on 10 Aug 15 at 16:22
    tsmpriusI've played on at least 5 languages and still hasn't popped. Still glitched for anyone?
    Posted by tsmprius on 22 Apr 17 at 05:13
    pezza888Hmm maybe try Jonas' tip above? Try two languages you've never played in before, in the same session, and play a couple of games with them to make sure it's counted. Other than that I'm not sure what to suggest
    Posted by pezza888 on 28 Apr 17 at 15:35
    jj6yplayed 3 different languages and none worked
    Posted by jj6y on 20 Jul 20 at 13:56
    pezza888Hi jj6y, just checked your profile and it looks like you've unlocked it now. Any advice for other people who can't get this to unlock?
    Posted by pezza888 on 21 Jul 20 at 15:43
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