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Gunsmith achievement in Deadfall Adventures


Unlock all automatic upgrades for all weapons

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How to unlock the Gunsmith achievement

  • True MarvellousTrue Marvellous
    Locked 31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2013
    Unfortunately this achievement is glitched.

    After fully levelling all 18 in game weapons the achievement didn't unlock. I then managed to get hold of a DlC code from the Collectors Edition which gives the Quatermain Pietta to use in MP. I then levelled this gun up and again no achievement.

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    I've emailed Nordic Games about the glitch but havant received a reply. If anyone wants to contact them here are their contact details.

    Should they ever fix it I found the best way to level the guns for a party of two to be as follows.

    Use Map Anubis, Capture the Artifact ( Reason I uses this as it's 3 consecutive rounds with no loading or trying to get the right map though any team based mode will do)

    The person who is going to be killed first needs to host so if playing CTA mode they will die in rounds 1 & 3 switching roles in round 2.

    The person getting the kills now needs to go to the area pictured below which is found to the right of the Fire statue up on the raised wooden walkway.

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    The player going for the kills needs to position them selves up against the barrier to the right so you end up with a view like this.

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    Have the dieing player grenade themselves and they will continually spawn in the area pictured right in front of you providing you stay position behind the barrier as shown. Again this only works with two players in the game as soon as more players are introduced they start spawning elsewhere.

    Where possible try to have both players carry the same load outs for ammo refills, with the primary weapons you can get up to 120/130 kills a round, shotguns and pistols are a little slower as you will have to slightly move the dieing player a little forward for kills but you can still easily get 70/80 kills a round for those weapons.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    EarthboundXDon't see that happening, they were mainly updating Darksiders II to 4K, and just decided to finally fix that achievement at the same time.

    Are the developers of Deadfall even still in business?
    Posted by EarthboundX on 30 May 19 at 23:51
    EsteemedEvilThe link to contact the devs no longer works, I suspect this may be glitched forever :(
    Posted by EsteemedEvil on 10 Apr 20 at 19:57

    Nordic Rebranded and redid the website, here's the new stuff
    Posted by Nomstuff on 10 Apr 20 at 20:53
    ALoneWolf42February 2021: If anyone is still looking to do these, please send me a PM and we can set something up!
    Posted by ALoneWolf42 on 08 Feb 21 at 18:58
    oakdale7Look above the tracking gamer who got achievement popped. Only one person. How?!?? No explain in TA
    Posted by oakdale7 on 13 Jul 21 at 23:03
    EarthboundXThey modded their GT, that's why. TA will remove them soon enough.

    Not sure why their GT isn't actually showing up though.
    Posted by EarthboundX on 14 Jul 21 at 02:10
    segagamerI know this is a longshot but has anyone tried unlocking this on a 360 with a disc copy? In case it's like Rainbow Six Vegas 2's glitched achievement.
    Posted by segagamer on 14 Jul 21 at 07:40
    ItsRoflzI notified Vudix about this. I don't own this game but maybe in time he can figure something out for those who do have this
    Posted by ItsRoflz on 16 Dec 21 at 08:56
    EarthboundXAre the devs even still active?

    Oh wait it's Farm 51, they are. But it's been 8 years. They recently released Chernobylite, which I've heard some decent things about.

    The longest fix I recall was Beast Quest I think? That was fixed about 2 years later I think.
    Posted by EarthboundX on 16 Dec 21 at 09:17
    So happy to have just read this! I am attempting to finish up any 360 game that is still possible to finish. Never liked this game. Now I can forget about finishing it with an easy mind.
    Posted on 17 Apr 22 at 13:27
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