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Switched Off achievement in Halo: Spartan Assault

Switched Off

Complete Operation C

Switched Off0

How to unlock the Switched Off achievement

    15 Jun 2014 23 Jun 2014 23 Jun 2014
    13 1 3
    If you have this achievement from another version of this game, it'll unlock after you complete each of the five levels once on your Xbox One

    C-1: Kill all enemies. Pick up the ODST's if you want some help.

    C-2: You start with my favorite Armor Ability, Regeneration Field. Not only does this make you virtually unkillable while it's active, it also heals the engineer. I prefer it even over the abilities that cost XP. Use it a lot, and you'll have no trouble.

    C-3: Hit and run tactics work well here. Or, use a plasma pistol overcharge to disable a wraith, steal it with X, and kill the other wraiths. If you need to, get out and destroy your own wraith. Note that this level also has an achievement itself:
    Halo: Spartan AssaultNever Knew What Hit ThemThe Never Knew What Hit Them achievement in Halo: Spartan Assault worth 70 pointsKill a convoy target with every stationary gun in Operation C, Mission 3

    C-4: Watch out for the Stealth elites! The needler's slight tracking works well against them. You also need to keep the snipers safe. Make sure you clear an area before moving on.

    C-5: I was stuck here for a while, until I discovered a shield Regeneration armor ability in the top right corner. I recommend running for this before you kill the first grunts. The hammer brute can be tough. Make sure you grab the dual SMGs before you kill the first grunts. After that, stick to the engineer. He can die fast on this level.
    Showing all 3 comments. Leave a comment.
    EddieStallworthI completed all parts in operation C , but never pop. The tracker also shows 100%, but this achievement is still locked. Anyone else have same problem or know of a fix?
    Posted by EddieStallworth on 19 Aug 14 at 19:57
    EYEHUNTER 42I've had that with other achievements. It'll fix itself in a few weeks or months.
    Posted by EYEHUNTER 42 on 20 Aug 14 at 02:18
    taximikeThis is still bugged for me
    Posted by taximike on 05 Mar 21 at 13:50
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