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Pension Plan achievement in Halo: Spartan Assault

Pension Plan

Earn 25000 XP throughout your career

Pension Plan0

How to unlock the Pension Plan achievement

  • Removed Gamer
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    Use the first level (A-1) and turn on the Hollow and Black Eye skulls. This will give you a 4.5x multiplier, meaning you get 900 XP if you get gold and 450 XP if you get silver.

    I got gold about 2/3 of the time without even trying. With menu and load time, it's almost 2 minutes per round, putting you at 25k in no time.

    The Hollow skull means you only have a shield, so you can't go too crazy. Even then, I only died 3-4 times in 40-50 runs through the level. If you really wanted you could try to get your shield back my using melee (that's what Black Eye does), but that will probably cause more deaths than it saves since you get shot pretty quick.

    Good tip in a comment from Darkened Night. If you do end up with low shields, you have a Regeneration Field as your AA. I had actually forgotten all about that while I was playing.

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    count023Does your XP go down again if you buy stuff like Spartan laser or rockets?, or are these unrelated to each other?
    Posted by count023 on 30 Sep 15 at 13:39
    It's been ages since I played this, but I think you buy items with credits, which are completely separate from XP.
    Posted on 30 Sep 15 at 18:38
    count023nope, you actually buy them with XP. OR credits. Sniper is 1000XP or 50CR for instance.
    Posted by count023 on 30 Sep 15 at 23:20
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  • noth1ngness69noth1ngness69
    26 Dec 2013 26 Dec 2013 04 Apr 2014
    35 1 3
    My version is pretty much the same as AL1. Just i use Hollow and Pacifist. This will give you a 5x so if you get gold its 1000xp.

    Basically if you shoot you will lose shields but you have a regen shield to heal. Use the pistol to one shot distant grunts or melee (your choice) and use the grenades or machine guns kill elites the elites. Also just a tip if you can try and get a killionare on the grunts at the start. You should have just about enough points for gold or to easily make it to gold.

    But just wait till you have finished all the missions and gotten Gold Stars on them so you reduce the amount of time needed to grind.
    Showing all 3 comments.
    ReliantGung hobrilliant
    Posted by ReliantGung ho on 17 Aug 14 at 00:52
    The Hot GlueThe trade-off is not worth the extra 100xp. It's far to easy to die when grinding this.
    Posted by The Hot Glue on 05 Mar 15 at 19:59
    SkinstakovicTrade the trade-off

    Buy a sniper rifle

    Every match an easy gold and you are a monster. Sure, you don't gain any xp per-se as you spend the 1000xp you earn but if it's your last achievement who cares :)
    Posted by Skinstakovic on 24 Feb 18 at 22:12
  • BullmannBullmann
    31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2013 16 Sep 2015
    10 1 3
    I found that it's not necessary to boost this achievement at all. After one run through of all six operations and working toward Extra Credit, I unlocked this by the time I finished with the Assault Ops through mission B5. You have to play each mission multiple times to get all the Assault Ops requirements and if you use the skulls strategically it won't take long at all to get to 25,000 experience. For reference, the skull multiplier values are below.

    Hollow x3
    Pacifist x3
    Famine x1.5
    Black Eye x2.5
    Thunderstorm x2
    Blind x2

    Hollow and Pacifist are the highest combo, but for some reason it only adds up to five if you select them both. Hollow and Famine are great on levels where you use a vehicle the entire time, like B5. Pacifist does deplete vehicle health and it doesn't recover at all.
    Showing all 3 comments.
    Prometheus NyxYeah and the weekly assault ops nets you 800-3000 Xp Each
    Posted by Prometheus Nyx on 01 Jan 14 at 01:21
    Homunculus FuryI agree that it isn't necessary to play the same level over and over. I played through all the operations and did all the misc. achievements and got it half way working through the extra credit achievement.
    Posted by Homunculus Fury on 14 Feb 15 at 14:06
    Darth Hawk CZWhile doing the assault ops, I use damage booster and restart the level over and over until I complete all ops in the mission. Thus I get XP reward only once, but I complete assault ops way, way faster. I rather do few XP farm runs than spend hours more on assault ops.
    Posted by Darth Hawk CZ on 25 Aug 19 at 08:23
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