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Weapon of Choice achievement in Halo: Spartan Assault

Weapon of Choice

Score a kill with every handheld weapon in the campaign

Weapon of Choice0

How to unlock the Weapon of Choice achievement

  • MathGuy42MathGuy42
    23 Dec 2013 23 Dec 2013 12 Jan 2014
    124 5 23
    I am copying and editing an excellent Win 8 solution by KJT CD ACD, with his permission. The only change is that now Rocket Launcher and Spartan Laser count. Note that even if you have completed the Win 8 or WP8 version, you must redo each weapon.

    The weapons you need to score kills with are as follows:

    - Assault Rifle
    - Shotgun
    - Magnum
    - Dual SMGs
    - Sniper Rifle (bought for 1000XP or 50 CR in the pre-game lobby, sniper kills by AI marines may count, so it may not be necessary to purchase)
    - Spartan Laser (bought for 1500XP or 75 CR in pre-game lobby, free redemption for completing Halo 4)
    - Rocket Launcher (bought for 2000XP or 100 CR in pre-game lobby, free redemption for completing Halo 4)

    - Plasma Repeater
    - Plasma Pistol
    - Needler
    - Focus Rifle
    - Brute Shot

    The last weapon you will obtain is the Brute Shot, which does not appear until Mission D-1.

    Note from MathGuy42: When I only had Rocket Launcher and Spartan Laser left, the Achievement app said I was 83% complete, leading me to believe there are 12 weapons.
    Showing most recent comments. View all comments.
    WAR PsycoSeems like my problem is fixed.
    Posted by WAR Psyco on 17 Jan 14 at 20:31
    XtowersJust wanted to pop in to say that I never needed to buy the Sniper rifle. Got the achievement without it. Just had to buy the Spartan Laser and the Rocket Launcher.
    Posted by Xtowers on 24 Feb 14 at 22:55
    Aj6627Just a note on the brute shot: this popped for me after blowing up the first door using the brute shot in d-1
    Posted by Aj6627 on 26 Jun 14 at 02:39
    NamcresJust a note on the Sniper, I did have to use the sniper myself. Thanks for the solution!
    Posted by Namcres on 09 Nov 14 at 19:40
    DwaggieniteThanks MathGuy. Spartan and Rocket were what I needed.
    Posted by Dwaggienite on 13 Jun 15 at 16:47
    ZX KNIGHTDo you have to finish the mission or can you die and quit and it will still count?
    Posted by ZX KNIGHT on 15 Jun 18 at 21:29
    MathGuy42I don't think you have to finish the mission for the weapon to count. The challenges don't require finishing the mission, so I think this would be the same. It's been a long time though, so I'm not sure.
    Posted by MathGuy42 on 24 Jun 18 at 13:06
    Ramb091Correct - you don't have to complete the mission.
    Posted by Ramb091 on 22 Apr 20 at 16:08
    Sir PaulygonNeeded sniper rifle and everything else.
    Posted by Sir Paulygon on 19 May 21 at 05:17
    AceNeeded the sniper rile, as a note though if you exit the game before finishing the mission you get your xp back which means you only need 2000 total xp to buy all 3 of the buy-only weapons.
    Posted by Ace#4617 on 29 Dec 21 at 11:00
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